Alphys' Ship Ratings PT. 1 (Ep. 27.25)

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Alphys: Hey, everyone! A-Alphys here! So, i-in the last episode, Mettaton asked Uniqua out in front of us. H-He has asked her out before b-but, Uniqua wanted to k-keep it private. Tsunderes, amiright? Mettaton is working o-out some ideas for their first "official" date r-right now and I thought I'd do one of these by myself. Yes, this is most likely going to become a thing, guys.

Alphys: Kai found this neat little chart for me to use from Pinterest a while back

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Alphys: Kai found this neat little chart for me to use from Pinterest a while back. Originally, she was gonna do this but, she probably didn't have the motivation. I'm going to put it to good use today and do a little ship rating. So, the first scale is big spoon and little spoon. I'm gonna have to think about this a minute since their relationship is still in the earliest stage and I don't think she'd be that comfortable being that close to a male like that. But Mettaton is actually very respectful of her boundaries so, it looks like a healthy relationship.

Alphys: Anyway, Mettaton has like, two feet on Uni. I feel he would be the big spoon and she would be the little spoon who always denies the fact she loves cuddles. Like, there is nothing that can beat that trope. But I also have the feeling they might like to switch roles every now and then. I can only picture him getting comfortable with her wings around him. I mean, she would be cool with it once she's okay with having a guy's face that close to her chest. For now, Uniqua is the adorable, angry, little spoon. Change my mind.

Alphys: The next one involves clothes. Again, Mettaton's taller than her. He might be the one lending the clothes. Uni can fit into almost anything he's got. I'm not kidding. His sweaters look like freaking dresses on her and the fact she always has sweater paws is too much! I can't! Why do they have to be the cutest pairing?!

Alphys: The third scale is pet names. This is a no-brainer. Mettaton uses pet names the most. Uniqua, on the other hand, doesn't like to use them. Maybe she'll come up with at least one that she'll use in the future.

Alphys: The fourth one is also very obvious. Mettaton is the extrovert while Uniqua's the introvert. Once again, one of the best tropes.

Alphys: Let's see the fifth scale. Oof... Bugs. If we're talking about roaches, Uniqua would be the one to kill them. She has all the latest gear for taking care of them. Mettaton would be the one to join her. There are some species of insects and pretty much all arachnids Uni would stay away from. If she sees one, she would have him kill it unless he chickens out.

Alphys: Okay, who drives the car? Mettaton might be the one driving. Uni barely has an I.D. at least. She has been looking at some nice bikes recently so, I know what is on her holiday wishlist. Also, this does not include racing tournaments.

Alphys: Okay, we're looking at cooking now. Uni doesn't do a lot of cooking. She's more into baking because of her huge sweet tooth. But she does know how to make a few things. Trust me, her four-cheese macaroni and cheese is AMAZING. Other than that, she might burn the food or poison you. She is learning, guys. She's learning. Mettaton has more experience with cooking so I'll put him closer to master chef. I will exclude that time he wanted to use Frisk's soul for a cake. He was only acting so, I can't say he would've poisoned you if you had a slice. Besides, he already made a normal cake beforehand to swap out with the unbaked one to end the show since that's how cooking shows work.

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