Eggman Empire & Bowser's Kingdom Recruitment

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Bowser: Greetings, Wattpad readers! I am King Bowser Koopa. Dr. Ivo Robotnik and I have an important announcement.

Dr. Eggman: Indeed we do. Listen closely, we have decided to hold another recruitment. We realize our previous approach wasn't fully thought out mostly due to Bowser's temperament and poor communication.

Bowser: Hey, I totally had it under control! You were the one who kept changing the plan!

Dr. Eggman: Oh really? You almost destroyed my monitors! Those things aren't cheap you know!

Bowser: Whatever. Just continue telling them our plan.

Dr. Eggman: As you all know, we have been trying to figure out a way to capture our enemies and all their friends and also enlisted the help of Lord Roach since he has found himself in a similar situation. We've tested a number of traps before deciding to imprison them in a popular game.

Bowser: If you wanna know where they are, go check out the previous page. The author said that she posted it there. Speaking of which, we have decided to hold her captive here for a little while..

Can someone get me out of here? I have more important things to do!

Bowser: Go ahead and call for help. No one will come for you.

Dr. Eggman: So far, it's proven most effective. None have escaped which means we are now free to take over the world. That's where you come in. Yes, I'm referring to all the simps, too. Also, please don't ship me with that speedy, blue rodent!

Bowser: All you have to do is simply comment your name and specify what position you'd like. Tell us what you'd bring to our army and you might just be able to get in.

Dr. Eggman: And don't be afraid to ask any questions for us or the prisoners.

Bowser: We look forward to hearing from you very soon. Hey, could we order some Buffalo wings?

Dr. Eggman: Seriously?! We just went to the local steakhouse an hour ago!

Bowser: I'm a big guy! That three course meal didn't fill me up enough!

Dr. Eggman: This is why I never let you into my kitchen.

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