Uniqua & Mettaton Explore Minecraft PT. 2

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Spamton: [Are you sure you want to] break them up like this?

Pixelle: Of course, she doesn't really seem to fit with him.

Digger: Listen, I'm only gonna say this once. Don't do it. It's a bad idea. You can't hurt one of them without angering the other.

Hoth: Digger's right, Pixelle. They'll both hate you for it if you try. It's better to let it go and leave them alone. That's what I'm doing.

Pixelle: Well, aren't you jealous of Mettaton?

Hoth: Yeah, but at least I'm not acting on it. I used to formulate different scenarios that would tarnish his reputation and make him less likable. Now, I'm choosing to grow and let Uniqua be with him if that's what makes her happy. I'm not wasting my time becoming a villain and risking my friendship with them.

Digger: See? I'm not doing it either, even though I am not fond of machines.

Spamton: Look, even I have become a rival to that [Gay Machine]. I'm not trying to [Destroy] him! I'm only in it for the [Fun Times]! Besides, I have better things to do!

Pixelle: She never acts like a true queen! She's not even that feminine!

Hoth: Mettaton doesn't care about all that. He likes her just the way she is, Pixelle. It's not always about looks, fame, money, or peak femininity or masculinity. If they're happy together, we should leave them be.

Pixelle: Are you sure?

Hoth: Yes, that's how a healthy relationship should be. You have to accept your partner for who they are. Everything else they offer can be considered a bonus.

Pixelle: But she's royalty. She already has everything she could possibly need.

Hoth: It's not about needing anything. Relationships should never be a one-way thing.

Pixelle: Well, I don't care. I'm still doing this and I need all three of you to help set it up right.

Hoth: Ughhhh...

Digger: She's way more stubborn than Uni.

Spamton: That is some real [Competition] for sure.

*Meanwhile at the desert camp Uniqua and Mettaton were staying at...*

Mettaton: Eugh... I never thought I'd be waking up to a wasteland again...

Uniqua: Hey, we'll be able to get out of this desert today if we move fast enough. It's not that bad.

Mettaton: But it's extremely hot out!

Uniqua: So? You lived in a volcanic part of the Underground before. A desert shouldn't bother you that much.

Mettaton: When there's nothing around you but sand for miles, it does become a problem! There's nowhere to recharge, fix your hair or makeup, or even eat! No hotels, spas, restaurants, or shopping malls!

Uniqua: It's. A. DESERT! If we hurry, we might find somewhere to rest for a little bit. Now, let's go! We're burning daylight!

Mettaton: Fine...

*The two of them pack up their things and begin the journey once again. They walked past a temple made of sandstone and stop to look for any treasure.*

Mettaton: This is some temple.

Uniqua: Desert Temples tend to have some good loot. But you never wanna jump straight down the middle of where it's hidden. There's a pressure plate at the bottom and landing on it will set off TNT traps.

Mettaton: So, we have to mine our way down?

Uniqua: Yea, that's our only choice. Mine out the whole square and then dig a staircase down.

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