Godzilla! FT. Mystery Guest Spectra

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Frisk: Welcome, everyone, to this wonderful beach episode! It's kind of strange being away from work today but, I've decide to just enjoy this time. Also, I don't know what Mettaton did to convince Uni to come here. She's here anyway. Or at least I think she is.

Chara: What's up, Wattpad!

Mettaton: Hello, darlings!

Frisk: I hope you aren't expecting Uni to show up in a bikini. You know she wouldn't wear one.

Mettaton: W-What?! I-I'm not!

Chara: Then what's that blush for?

Mettaton: N-Nothing!

Alphys: He actually does want to see that.

Mettaton: ALPHYS!

Frisk: I don't think you'll get to see that yet.

Chara: Hey, the royal mystics are here!

Uniqua: What up, homies!

Hothead: Did we bring the sunblock?

Lioness: I made sure to pack it. I don't want you burning.

Hothead: You gonna need some, sis?

Uniqua: I might despite the fact Imma get darker anyway.

Mettaton: And... You're wearing a t-shirt and shorts.

Uniqua: I told you, this is what I feel comfortable in. My body, my clothes, my choice.

Mettaton: Well, I can respect that. You're still gorgeous no matter what.

Uniqua: U-Uh... I- Um...

Mettaton: You're definitely the cute one.

Uniqua: S-Shut up! I'm the cool one! I don't do cute! There is a reason I am called the untamed warrior and that's because I am an untamed warrior! I am fierce! I am raging! I am UNTAMED!

Mettaton: *picks up Uni and nuzzles her* So small, and adorable!

Uniqua: I'll get you back for this!

Frisk: Wow, I am so afraid!

Chara: I'm not afraid of a puny pony.

Uniqua: Puny?! Who ya callin' puny?!

Frisk: Well, I think we should go get set up before Uni tries to fight someone.

Chara: Hang on, there's someone else here. Why does she look like Uni and Metta?

Frisk: I don't know. I don't think I've seen anyone like that before.

Spectra: Hello, I'm Spectra! I came here from Royaltale.

Uniqua: Wut?

Spectra: Hi, Past Mum!


Mettaton: So... If she's your mum...

Spectra: Yes, you're my dad.

Uniqua: What are you doing here? You're gonna destroy the space-time continuum!

Spectra: That's exactly what my mum said before I left. But it is an AU so I see no reason why I can't visit.

Uniqua: So, we're stuck with you for this episode?

Spectra: At least until my family comes to get me since I haven't quite figured out how to reopen rifts.

Uniqua: Wow, you are so behind. At your age, I already learned that because I breezed through most of my training. What's holding you back from reaching your ultimate potential?

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