Captured?! FT. Sonic & Friends, Mario, Luigi, Peach, Daisy

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*After the first stage of the two villains' plan, they'd decided to move on to phase two. They had already imprisoned many humans, monsters, and Mystics as well as multiple animals and citizens of a number of different kingdoms. Not only did they have an abundance of available labor, but they had energy sources and hostages. Now, they had to capture the heroes and enslave them and their ultimate takeover would be complete.*

*Every night the villains would meet and capture a small handful of heroes while they slept. But the ones who were night owls gave them the most trouble. When they encountered someone awake that late, they'd retreat and return the next night and trap them. It wasn't long until they had kidnapped them all. The heroes were soon behind bars and there wasn't anyone that could save them.*

Mettaton: UGGGGHHHHHH! How much longer must we all wait in these filthy cells?!

Shadow: Listen, you just need to shut up! No one knows how long we'll be here but, they ARE trying to find a way out!

Sonic: We've only been here two days! TWO DAYS! I've been locked away for six months!

Mettaton: There is no WiFi or electricity here! Not to mention the lack of hot water! I have never gone a single day without cleansing myself, doing my hair, or making makeup tutorials. Never!

Uniqua: Hey, I'm doing fine without WiFi and electricity. But I actually kinda do want a warm shower or bath.

Lioness: Even without bath bombs?

Mettaton: She uses bath bombs?

Uniqua: Ma, why'd ya have to say that in front of the guys?!

Lioness: Well, you're the one who keeps a large supply.

Mettaton: I didn't think you enjoyed fancy bath products.

Uniqua: Sometimes I only get them for the toys inside. Don't judge me, man.

Hoth: You will never fully mature, will you?

Uniqua: I'm a kid at heart. What else can I say?

Mario: Okay, let's change the topic. Has anyone found an exit?

Hoth: Unfortunately, we haven't yet. We're still working on it, Mario. Hopefully, we'll find something soon.

Mettaton: I must return to my curling iron!

Uniqua: I gotta make sure no one got into my safe!

Sonic: Why do you have a safe?

Uniqua: I keep all my journals in it. As long as no one else has the code, all my secrets are secured.

Sonic: That's a really great idea. I do question it's convenience, though.

Mettaton: I'm actually the sane person. I keep my diaries on shelves.

Uniqua: Invest in a safe. Its-


Uniqua: I wasn't gonna make a pun. I was actually gonna say it's secure. It's way better than a shelf.

Tails: Guys, we may have found a way to get out. It's a little risky, but I believe we'll make it.

Sonic: Great work, Tails! Now, who can we ask to let us out of our cells?

Uniqua: I could call my buddy Squeaks and some of his friends.

Sonic: What if they're being used as batteries or hearts for robots?


Shadow: I would shoot the locks or control panels if I still had my guns.

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