Racing Tournament (Ep. 17)

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Mario: Hello, Wattpad! It's-a-me, Mario! I'm here with my bro Luigi and our friends from Mobious and Ebbott City.

Luigi: Yeah, it's almost time for the racing tournament to start. They have all come to participate.

Sonic: I'm no stranger to racing games, guys. You're all in for a challenge.

Knuckles: I'm kinda curious. Will there be team events?

Sonic: I'm pretty sure there will be.

Mario: Some will be similar to Double Dash!

Sonic: Others might be like Team Sonic Racing.

Tails: So, duos and trios?

Mario: Exactly!

Sonic: This tournament will definitely be the biggest.

Luigi: Wait, don't the monsters have cars yet?

Mario: Eh... I don't think they have any yet.

Sonic: I've seen Papyrus with a red convertible before. He might be one of the only ones to actually have a car.

Tails: Just to be sure, I'll go check in with them now and ask who doesn't have a vehicle.

Knuckles: They should be in the garage. Who knows what they're plan is to get some sort of cars-

*The sound of revving engines can be heard as several vehicles thundered out of the garage.*

Frisk: Alright, who's ready for a great exhibition of speed?

Uniqua: Yo, I was born to perform crazy stunts at dangerous speeds! This is gonna be epic!

Lioness: Hey Hoth, don't let the engines and stunts scare you too much. Wouldn't wanna see you running off track with your tail tucked between your legs.

Hoth: Very funny, Lioness. I'm not scared of motors and engines. I'm not scared of stunts either. I'm actually quite excited to soil myself as I'm flying through flaming hoops. I also can't wait to see the cops try to catch us for speeding and driving without permits.

Uniqua: Dude, it's a race. The cops won't say shtick about this.

Mettaton: Make way for a true champion! No one has a better looking vehicle than me in this competition.

Lioness: But does it have guts and great gas mileage?

Mettaton: Really? Why must my car need guts?

Uniqua: We won't just be dealing with pavement, man. We're gonna go mudding!

Hoth: Wait, mudding?! No one said anything about mudding!

Mettaton: And I've just had my car detailed...

Lioness: We might even have to face a lot more than just dirt roads. We'll be up against several different terrains for the next week or so.

Mario: Also, you guys do have racetracks, right?

Lioness: We have some. They're very diverse and some are quite intense.

Sonic: Cool, we can start the races now.

Spamton: Not so fast, [blue-quilled rodent.] All [motorized vehicles] driven by monsters, Mystics, darkners, and other lightners are provided by Big Shot Autos.

Mario: Big Shot Autos?

Spamton: What? You haven't heard of it? I've been in the [automobile industry] for years!

Uniqua: Until you crashed.

Mettaton: You're broke, homeless, lonely, and mentally unstable.

Spamton: I wouldn't say mentally unstable. Maybe [not completely there] or not perfectly [sane.]

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