Racing Tournament PT. 5 (Ep. 21)

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Uniqua: C'mon Hothead, we can win this! Floor that gas!

Hothead: Which gas? The gas in the tank or the gas I'm about to pass?

Uniqua: The gas in the tank! Please do not fart right now, man!

Hothead: Too late, I already let it go!

Uniqua: Eww, I smell the pizza!

Hothead: Normally, my farts are pretty loud. I couldn't hear that one, though.

Uniqua: It's either the engine's too loud or it was a silent but deadly. *sniffs* Yup, silent but deadly.

Mettaton: Oh, hello, royal Mystics! Don't mind if we pass you for a quick minute?

Uniqua: If you're here to distract us, back of the line, fool! There's only one place for us and that's first place!

Hothead: Yeah, back of the line, bro! This is our win!

Mettaton: Is it now? *starts twerking on the back of the vehicle*

Hothead: Get out of our way, dude! No one wants to see your butt!

Mettaton: Are you sure? I know someone who would.

Uniqua: Bro, just move over! You're gonna leave my brother scarred for life here!

Mettaton: Well, can't he just look away?

Uniqua: He needs to keep his eyes on the road, ya nimrod! It's standard road safety!

Hothead: Get outta here, man! We don't need your...

Bowser: Hey, losers!

Bowser Jr.: Prepare the pie, Papa!

Bowser: Alright, I know who my target is!

Spamton: Who's ready to get [soaked]?! HEAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Digger: Let them have it, Spam!

Mettaton: Oh dear...

Uniqua: Oh...

Hothead: God...

*Bowser throws the pie at Napstablook. It phases through his face and splats in Mettaton's.*

Uniqua: Haha, pie face!

Hothead: Need some whipped cream for that?

*Spamton chucks the water balloon towards Hothead. Hothead ducks as lets it hit Uniqua as she's still laughing.*

Uniqua: C'mon, man!

Mettaton: Do you need assistance with makeup, darling?

Uniqua: Shut your metal trap! I don't need help! I can go plainfaced! Trust me, it's way scarier!

Sonic: Sorry to break it to you, guys. Tails and I are taking home the gold today!

Uniqua: Not if we have anything to say about it! Get off the road and grab your training wheels, furballs!

Sonic: That's coming from another furball. You technically just insulted yourself.

Uniqua: I always make sure my words cut deep, hedgehog. They never hurt me, though.

Mario: This trash talk is pointless! Just kindly move aside and let me and Luigi cross first and enjoy some celebratory pasta!

Hothead: Great, now I'm hungry! You just had to bring up food, Mario!

Mario: Wow, your stomach needs way too much.


*Uniqua sends out three red shells and only three teams got hit.*

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