The Royal Mystics of Minecraft

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Hothead: Okay, so the diamonds will be located near the bottom of the world. We'll have to head all the way to the underworld to find them.

Uniqua: We might wanna bring some fire resistance in case we have to travel through lava.

Hothead: We don't have any. We used the last of them yesterday.

Uniqua: Right...

Lioness: So, we have to be careful is what you're saying?

Hothead: Yup!

Lioness: Okay... How do we get to the underworld?

Uniqua: We'll have to mine down to it. If we see lava and obsidian, we've made it.

Hothead: Everyone got their travel gear?

Lioness: Yeah, let's get going!

*The three mystics enter the mine and begin breaking away the stone and gravel. They eventually take separate paths through the caverns and continue down to the underworld.*

Lioness: Where are the diamonds? Hothead said they'd be around here. Wait, I found some! Oh my God, I have to mine these!

*Lioness mines the ore. The diamonds fall into the lava below.*

Lioness: ... Why...?


Hothead: Found any diamonds, sis?

Uniqua: Nah, all I got is a bunch of coal, iron, and copper. I've been using most of the iron to make new armor and tools this whole time.

Hothead: Do you think Mom found any yet?

Uniqua: Maybe. She would've said something if she did.

Hothead: Wait, I see something blue!

Uniqua: Must be lapis, bro.

Hothead: It's not lapis. It's a lighter shade. It's... just more stone... covered in glow lichen.

Uniqua: For real?

Hothead: At this rate, we might not be able to even get one diamond.

Uniqua: I told you to go down that other cave. But you were too chicken!

Hothead: I know I heard zombies, creepers, and skeletons in there! You think I wanna die down here?

Uniqua: You're the one who said to split up in the first place!

Hothead: Well, you also said you would need help anyway!

Uniqua: I don't remember saying that!

Hothead: You did! You told me to stay close in case you got shot!

Uniqua: Dude, we don't even have a camel! How the heck are we supposed to run and fight off mobs if we don't have a camel?!

*An arrow flies past Hothead's face.*

Hothead: Sis, we need to go. I'm serious!

Uniqua: Now?

Hothead: Yeah, I almost got hit!

Uniqua: Where do we go? Turn back? Move forward?

Hothead: Go straight! They're coming at us from behind!

Uniqua: Aight, let's move it!

*Uniqua and Hothead both run from the mobs that were chasing them.*

Hothead: I think we're at the end of the road now.

Uniqua: I don't wanna jump, man. I really don't. There's lava down there and if we don't make it, we're gonna burn.

Hothead: Hey, I have some stuff on me to help. I'm gonna go down first and build something to break your fall.

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