The Princess Game Show! Hosted By Mettaton & Rouge (Ep. 30)

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*Sonic, Shadow, Silver, and Knuckles crawl through a dark, dusty vent along with Mario, Luigi, Sans, and Uniqua.*

Sans: are we almost there, sonic?

Sonic: We should be, Sans. Tails said to go this way.

Mario: It feels like we've been going in circles. Are you sure you know where you're going?

Sonic: Trust me, this is the right way. Now, be quiet, remember? We can't get caught.

Uniqua: Dude, no one's gonna hear us in here! We're in the vent system! This place is insulated really good, it's practically soundproof!

Sonic: Tails said there would be heavy security, though. They might have some super hearing ability and that's why we need to be silent.

Uniqua: Well, that's not gonna happen. I have to let a big ripper out and there is no way I'm holding that in any longer.

Luigi: Wait, big ripper? What do you mean? You have gas?

Uniqua: Yeah, I gotta let it out, man! I gotta get outta these vents!

Shadow: Look, none of us want to stay here any more than you do. We can all blame Sonic for dragging us with him into this.

Sonic: Me? What did I do, Shadow? Tails told all of us to go check it out!

Silver: Guys, calm down! If we move too much, the vents will come down!

Peach: What is that in the vents?

Daisy: I don't know. I think I hear some voices inside.

Mario: Oh no...

Sonic: Quick! Back up! Back up!

Knuckles: Where else are we supposed to go, Sonic? There's no room!

Uniqua: Y'all hold still, I'm trying to get to the panel here-

Luigi: YIPE! That was my hand!

Uniqua: What was it doing near my leg, Luigi? Move it!

Mettaton: Those voices sound awfully familiar.

Shadow: We've been exposed!

Uniqua: Hang on, I need to look through this panel!

*The vent panel opens as the vent itself falls into a garden of roses and tulips.*

Shadow: Where are we...?

Sonic: I have no idea. We're surrounded by flowers.

Uniqua: Did we crash a garden party? Tea at high noon?

Peach: No, you actually fell into a special episode of the Q&A.

Uniqua: Then what's with all the roses?

Mettaton: Why, it's a Valentine's episode of course! You've all come just in time for us to start! All thanks to the wonderful guidance of Miles Prower!

Sonic: Wait, he set us up?!

Uniqua: I knew that kid couldn't be trusted!

Silver: Okay, I'm just gonna go now. I promised Marine some frozen yogurt earlier so I'll-

Mettaton: Nuh-uh, you're going to sit here and enjoy some tea with us today. Frozen yogurt can wait.

Amy: And speaking of Marine, we helped her find something to do while we do this episode. Hopefully, she doesn't come crash this party with her cootie stick.

Blaze: You mean Steve, right? Her cootie stick has a name and it's Steve.

Silver: How could we forget Steve?

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