Holiday/Christmas Question Box & Villain Squad Recruitment

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Dr. Eggman: Okay, camera is rolling. Metal, do you remember where I left my latest blueprints?

Metal Sonic: I do not recall the location you last placed them. I was not witnessing the creation of your next plan.

Dr. Eggman: Why do I make competent robots if they prove no use when I can't find my plans?

Cubot: At least you never ask us to find your keys, sir.

Dr. Eggman: Cubot... Your level of stupidity is unrivaled.

Cubot:Yay! I'm the best!

Dr. Eggman: Anyway, I have a special message-

Bowser: WE have a special message! Is that what you were going to say?

Dr. Eggman: Yes, I was about to say that, King Koopa. Thanks for reminding me. As I was saying, the holidays are upon us meaning there will be a special episode or two coming out. But in order for there to be any holiday specials, we will now open yet another question box here for you to submit any questions, dares, and gifts for the crew as well as us.

Bowser: Just head to the comments and leave them there. Or maybe mail them in somehow if you're that oriental-dragon-guy.

Dr. Eggman: Just beware of the Grinch and definitely do not pull the same stunt he did to Whoville. I'm actually looking forward to Christmas.

Cocker Roach: You realize you won't get anything but coal, right?

Dr. Eggman: Hey, I've been working hard at getting off the naughty list this year!

Cocker Roach: What about us? We won't get anything!

Dr. Eggman: Okay, you actually have a legitimate reason to be on it. Koopa has been hard at work trying to get off like me. I heard Krampus is making his return this year so guess who's paying you a visit!

Orbot: Well, I believe that's about it from us for now. Please leave your questions, dares, and gifts down below or mail them in.

Cubot: And one more thing! Be sure you help the author out. She's tried escaping and it kinda failed.

Hey! I almost succeeded!

Orbot: Also, the boss wanted us to put this little advertisement out about needing some new recruits. So, I guess you can send in your resumes with any gifts, questions, or dares down below if you wish to join King Koopa's kingdom, Eggman Empire, or... Cockroach legion... I doubt anyone would want to join that man.

Cubot: If they do, we might have to weed them out since there could be kids here.

Orbot: Exactly.

Cubot: Oh, wait! I forgot! We have to get things for Thanksgiving! Boss gave us his grocery list and told us to run out and grab everything!

Metal Sonic: I will take care of that personally. Mainly due to the doctor ordering me to do it.

Cubot: Oh...

Orbot: I guess we should end this here.

Cubot: Yeah, we took care of the announcements.

Orbot: Happy holidays, everyone!

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