Chapter 27.

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I found Anakin and Obi Wan talking next to a large statue. Anakin's eyes met mine and he gave me a smile, motioning me to join them. I awkwardly walked over.

"Ivy! So you know what you're doing on the mission?" Obi Wan asked with a smile.

"I believe so." I said nervously. I was shaking and he seemed to notice it.

"Don't worry. You'll be safe. Anakin will protect you if anything goes wrong."

I nodded and gave a small smile.

"Now, as you know, you and Anakin will both be in disguises. The natives of Buas are human but they wear very large robes and headdresses. They also cover their faces with paint designs. Anakin will lead you to the room where they will show you what to wear and how to apply the paint the way the Buans do. I will meet you later." Obi Wan instructed with a bow.

I curtsied in return.

"How do you feel?" Anakin asked as Obi Wan walked off.

"Nervous." I admitted. He gave me a comforting smile.

"Don't be. I'll be there every moment alongside you to help with whatever you need."

"Thank you Anakin. I'm glad you're going with me. It makes it all a little less scary knowing I have a friend with me." I gave him a smile and we headed towards the room we needed to go to get our disguises.

We were met by two elderly Jedi; A lady whose name was Greena Bo, and a man named Telnus Veren. Greena took me to a small room where she showed me some very large black robes. She helped me learn the different pieces and then helped me put them on. The headdress was harder and it took me almost an hour before I knew how to properly wrap it around my head.

The face paint was in the next room she led me to. Greena sat me down and brought out a bowl of black paint and showed me how to apply it around my eyes and on my lips in true Buas fashion. I didn't even recognize myself in the mirror. Greena then led me back to the room where I first arrived.

We saw the old man I had met earlier and standing next to him was a man who was dressed similarly to what I was wearing, yet less extravagant.

"Anakin?" I asked with a surprised laugh.

He turned towards me and his black lined eyes widened.

"If I didn't know that was you, I never would have recognized you." I said examining his disguise.

"Wow, you too! You look absolutely different." he said in surprise.

"Now, you two will be wearing these outfits and makeup the entire time you're there, so you'd better get used to them." Telnus Veren said.

I suddenly realized how heavy and hot my robes were. I glanced at Anakin and noticed that he too looked uncomfortable, but he tried to hide it.

Greena pulled out a recorder. "What you will hear now is a female and male Buan. Try to imitate the way they sound and speak." she told us.

We listened carefully. The accent sounded a little Russian. I did my best to sound like them and succeeded. Anakin on the other hand was not as good at accents. After a few tries, he gave up in annoyance.

"I can't do it." he declared.

"Very well. Keep trying, but try not to speak unless absolutely necessary." Greena Bo said.

"Both of you need to keep practicing. Now, you both have your instruction manuals correct?" Telnus asked. Anakin and I both nodded.

"Good. Well, now would be a good time to go over them. Miss Ivy, you will be staying at the temple until your departure to Geonosis." the old man told me.

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