Chapter 35.

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We found the wreck but it was all pretty much useless as we presumed. It was in flames in a burnt heap.

"We'll have to come back once it's done burning to see if anything is still of use." Anakin nodded towards the burning remnants of the ship.

"What are we going to do?" I ask him worriedly.

Anakin looked around at the foreign land.

It seemed to be a pretty standard planet. There were fields and trees. I could hear the sounds of birds and critters.

"I'm not sure. We should probably find some water and build a shelter of some sort for tonight. Tomorrow I want to continue looking to see if any people live here." he told me and I nodded.

We hobbled through the more forested area to stay in the shade because the sun was beating down on us.

Eventually we found a small river and generously drank from it. I scrubbed my face free of paint, and then moved onto my neck and arms. Anakin did the same.

We took off a couple of layers of our robes so we wouldn't melt to death and Anakin used them to make a sort of makeshift tent we could use for the night. I also found a stick that Anakin could use as a crutch while his leg healed.

We found a berry bush that we saw some birds eating from, so we ate them, hoping they weren't poisonous. It wasn't much but it was enough to keep the hunger at bay for awhile.

The air between Anakin and I was silent and awkward. He had just declared his love for me and I basically just turned him down. It hurt watching him. My heart ached for him, but I knew I couldn't give in. I had to think about more than myself, so we just worked in silence or spoke very little to each other.

When night came it was even worse. I realized that we would have to sleep together in our makeshift tent. We used my headdress as a pillow but didn't really have anything for a blanket. You would think as hot as it was in the day, the night wouldn't be so bad, but it got cold fast after the sun left so we had to huddle together for warmth.

I couldn't sleep because my teeth were chattering so much. My whole body was shivering from the cold.

Anakin noticed and put his arms around me pulling me to his chest. He was so warm, like a heater. I couldn't help but think how nice it was. I wish things could have been different. If Anakin wasn't a Jedi, or there wasn't a chance of him literally destroying all of the Jedi and taking over the galaxy.

Anakin's slow, steady breathing was soothing, and I found myself finally falling asleep.

I woke up the next day and noticed Anakin was gone, but he had left his shirt as a blanket for me. My heart swelled as I thought of the kind gesture and the way he held me last night. I hoped we wouldn't be here long, because if we continued to be alone, and he continued to be so compassionate, I wouldn't be able to turn him away a second time.

I climbed out of the tent in search for Anakin. I found him at the river. He was standing in it. His pant legs were rolled up and he was shirtless showing off his muscled torso. He cupped water with his hands and used it to pour water over his hair and face.

My heart caught in my chest at the sight of him. He was gorgeous. Part of me wanted to kick myself for not letting myself love him. This man could be mine if I wanted. I did want him, but I knew I couldn't.

"Did you sleep well?" Anakin asked and I jumped out of my thoughts. He was looking at me in amusement.

"Yeah, thanks for the shirt, blanket thing, and also for keeping me warm." I said awkwardly. I was embarrassed to be caught staring at him. "How did you sleep?"

"I slept fine." he answered and continued using the water to wash off his arms.

"Your leg is better?" I asked noting that he was standing on his own without a crutch.

"Jedi heal fast. It still hurts, but I can walk on it." he admitted.

"Is that refreshing?" I asked nodding at the water.

"It actually is. You should join me." he smirked and looked at me with a glint in his eyes. I blushed and shook my head nervously.

"I'm not exactly wanting to wear wet clothes all day." I told him.

"Who said you needed to wear clothes?" he stuck his tongue out at me and I narrowed my eyes. "Kidding."

"That's not funny." I said crossing my arms and looking at him disapprovingly.

"Well, you don't seem to mind me without a shirt."

"I- that's- that's different." I stuttered embarrassingly.

"Don't worry. I'll get out and leave you alone so that you can bathe." Anakin teased.

"I don't trust you."

"I promise I won't look. I am going to do some gathering anyways." he said stepping back onto the shore.

I looked at him unsurely, and waited for him to leave the area. I felt nervous undressing. He wouldn't actually watch me, would he? No. I was just being silly.

When I had finished bathing and redressing I went back to our little camp and found Anakin with a small pile of fruit and berries. He was taking apart our tent and carefully wrapping it up. To my disappointment his shirt was back on.

"Feeling better?" he asked upon my arrival and I nodded.

"Ready to go?" he asked as he used our headdress/pillow as a pouch to hold the food he had found.

"I guess." I shrugged.

He tied the pouch around his waist and the tent to his back, and offered his hand out to me.

I took it and then we were off to hopefully find someone or something that might be able to help us.

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