Rescuing Hope

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Okay! I know that several of you have been waiting for this! This is a sneak peek of the Sequel to Star Wars: A New Change! Be sure to add my new story Star Wars: Rescuing Hope to your Reading lists to continue on Ivy and Anakin's adventure! Thank you all so much for all of the love I receive from this book. I really hope you enjoy this sequel!


"Where's Anakin?" I asked for what was probably the millionth time. I couldn't wait much longer, but I didn't want him to miss the birth of his children. Obi Wan held my hand as I gripped his tightly.

"He should be here any moment. You know Anakin was never good with time management." Obi Wan frowned.

"Of all days to be late!" I groaned in pain as I felt the contractions. I was going to kill Anakin Skywalker.

"Damn it! I can't wait any longer. They're coming!" I squeezed Obi Wan's hand as tight as possible. Not on purpose, but it helped the pain and anger. I felt only a little bad when I saw him wince.

The medical droids started to all form around me. They indicated that I was ready to start pushing.

I tried not to focus on Anakin's absence. He was off on some stupid mission. He was getting rid of the remaining separatists. While important, I couldn't help but feel that right at the moment, this was more important. Anakin promised he'd be back on time.

The doctor droid told me what to do and I followed their directions. You would think that having all the technology that Coruscant has, they'd be able to make childbirth painless, but unfortunately that wasn't the case.

It was agonizing. I wanted to scream or be knocked out or something. The only good thing was that I was able to forget about Anakin not being there because I was only focused on the pain.

Suddenly the doors flew open and Anakin came running in with several nurse droids at his heels yelling at him.

"I'm here! I made it! What's happened?" he came up to me breathlessly, ignoring the droids that had followed him.

"About time." I grumbled gripping onto his arm. I didn't feel bad about hurting him at the moment. If he was in pain though, he didn't show it.

"I came as fast as I could. You know I would never miss this." Anakin gently brushed my hair back with his hand.

"You look so beautiful." he whispered and I rolled my eyes at him. This man has to be blind.

"The first baby is coming!" The doctor said excitedly.

I strained my neck to try and see over the cone shaped cover they had me in. Anakin's eyes lit up excitedly.

I noticed Obi Wan watching Anakin with a small smile. Things had ended up so much more differently than I had thought it would. I couldn't ask for a better life right now.

With a final push I heard some crying and my heart soared. The baby was here! One of the nurses cleaned him up and then handed the baby to Anakin who took the baby gingerly in his arms.

"It's a boy." the doctor said patiently.

"Luke." I breathed with a smile. Anakin turned to me with the biggest and purest smile I had ever seen on his face.

"He's perfect." he whispered and leaned down to show me the baby.

He was perfect. I couldn't believe it. My heart seemed so full and happy. Here was my son.

Then suddenly I felt more pain and cried out. The next baby was coming. Pretty soon she arrived too. I was more than exhausted, but so happy and relieved.

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