Chapter 10.

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   We got to the place that the pilot had mentioned. I looked at the selection of apartments for sale. I found a place in the upper middle levels that looked nice and was in my price range. We then left with the realtor to look at the apartment.
   The apartment was nice and mostly furnished. It wasn't beautiful and luxurious but it was nice enough. I then bought it, hoping it was the right thing to do. I then remembered the pilot. "How much do I owe you?" I asked him. "The Jedi have already taken care of my fee. Besides, I don't mind taking you places. You remind me of my daughter. She died a few years ago. She got shot by a mugger in the undercity." He said bitterly. I could see the sadness in his eyes. "I'm so sorry about your daughter." I said sympathetically. Mandro gave me a small smile. We continued on our way.
     "I would buy a speeder or something, but I hardly know how to fly one. Do you by chance know if there is any bus or something that I'd be able to use every day? I asked Mandro. "I wouldn't mind teaching you to fly. I've got plenty of time to spare. I work for the Jedi, and they don't need me much. I've got my own speeder you can use to practice on." He offered kindly. "That's very nice of you, but I don't want to trouble you." I said. "It'll be no trouble at all. I always wanted to help someone in need. And who better than someone who reminds me of my sweet Delatra." He said. I look at R2 unsure. Mandro seemed like a genuinely nice guy. I smiled at him. "If you're sure it would be no problem?" I said. "No problem at all miss." Mandro replied truthfully.
    After I got everything situated in my new apartment, we left to get some new clothes. I had to buy a whole new wardrobe since the only clothes I owned were from Tatooine.
    It was soon getting late and I was running out of money, so we returned to my new home.
    I thanked Mandro and asked him to give my address to the Jedi in case they needed to find me. He promised he would and went on his way.
    The cool thing about my new apartment was that it came with electricity and water. I sat on the floor next to Artoo and leaned lightly against him. "You'll protect me against anything won't you?" I asked seriously. Artoo beeped in response. "Thanks Artoo. I wouldn't be able to do this without you."

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