Chapter 44.

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It was strange being Anakin's wife. My mind reminded myself a million times a day, and he reminded me a million more. I couldn't help but feel so good inside that he was so happy to be with me. I never thought I would find anyone that just adored me the way Anakin did.

We never really went on any sort of honeymoon. There was no where really to go, so we just stayed in town and it seemed strange that everything just seemed normal.

The townspeople treated us differently now. They were kind and respectful before, but now they were even more so, with the exception of a few girls that would give wistful looks to Anakin.

Even Bona Droon congratulated us on our marriage. He was looking worse and worse every day. I was beginning to think Ilara was right. He didn't have much longer to live.

I wondered about the villagers. Who would take his place? Anakin would refuse if they asked. I thought maybe Karim, the man who had led us to Bona Droon when we first came here. He seemed like the leader type, and he took care of the old man.

I found myself watching my new husband as the weeks went by. He seemed happy, but also on edge. He wasn't used to the quiet life and was still trying to cope with it. Anakin would still regularly go to our old ship and bring back random parts until he practically brought what was left of the entire ship.

He spent hours a day trying to work on it, much to the disapproval of Bona, but he always grew frustrated that nothing worked.

Ilara got married to Del in a wedding that was very similar to mine and Anakin's. Everything seemed to be going perfect for the village until one day.

Karim came to find Anakin and he seemed anxious. "You must come. Bona is dying." he said worriedly.

Anakin and I looked at each other in surprise before following Karim to Bona's hut.

The ancient man laid on his bed. His skin was almost a grey color. His eyes seemed far away. The doctor of the village told us he didn't have long.

Bona looked at Anakin in surprise and looked to Karim angrily. "What is he doing here?" he demanded.

Karim knelt to the old man's side. "You asked for him remember?" Karim looked confused.

Bona looked at Karim uncertain but then seemed to remember. "Oh yes, you, Skywalker, you can see that I'm dying. I won't be here long. You need to promise me that whatever happens, you won't put my people in danger." Bona demanded.

Anakin looked taken aback. "Me? Put them in danger? I was the one that saved them!"

"I'm not talking about that. I know you're trying to leave Korith Mazi. If you do, this planet must remain a secret. I don't want anyone coming here and disturbing our perfect life, like you did." Bona said.

"Now hold on-" Anakin started but Bona Droon held up a hand stopping him.

"Promise me if you leave, you will forever leave my people alone. Also, when I'm gone you won't put ideas into their heads. We were done before you came, and we'll be fine starting the way we always have." Bona said.

"I'm not promising you anything, old man. Your people deserve to know what life is like outside of here." Anakin argued.

"No! My people are peaceful. Let the trillions of other people on other planets do that. My people just want peace. We don't want to be bothered." Bona yelled before coughing violently.

Anakin held back, but I knew he wanted to argue more. He turned and left the hut without another word.

Bona looked to me. "You make sure he doesn't cause trouble. Promise me!" Bona gasped, struggling to talk.

My stomach hurt looking at him and I felt horrible. "I can't control Anakin. I also kind of agree with him. I'm sorry Bona." I said sadly and ran off after Anakin.

I felt horrible. Maybe I should have lied to put a dying man at peace, but I couldn't just tell him yes. I was on Anakin's side and I couldn't betray him by agreeing with Bona.

"This town will be much better off without that old man." Anakin said bitterly. There was an edge to his tone that made me nervous.

Yes, Bona had ideas that I didn't agree with, but I still somewhat respected him. Anakin seemed to have a deep loathing towards the man and I wasn't sure why.

"Why do you hate Bona?" I asked Anakin when I caught up to him.

"I don't hate him. Jedi don't hate, but I seriously dislike him." Anakin said as he kept walking.

"But why?"

"Because, who is he to trap these people here? They know nothing about anything outside their small little world. Perhaps they're happy, and that would be fine if they had a choice! They couldn't leave even if they wanted. They can't defend themselves. They don't even have any defense of any kind. What if someone came to this planet, and they weren't as nice as us? These poor people would have absolutely no chance and Bona knows it. I tried talking to him about it, but he doesn't care. He'd rather they all die than try to face anyone. Yeah his peaceful village plan might work for awhile, but what happens when more people start coming to the outer rim?" Anakin clenched his jaw angrily and I took his hand.

"You care about these people Anakin, and that's why you're so angry. You have such a big heart. Unfortunately there's nothing we can do about it." I told him.

"Not until Bona dies. Then we can at least set up some sort of defense if we ever need it." Anakin said grimly.

"That seems horrible, but I guess we will have to wait until he dies." I said uncomfortably.

"Karim is a good man. He'll take better care of the village." Anakin told me.

"So Karim is going to take over?"

"Yes. He'll be a far superior leader than me. At least for this village." Anakin said.

A couple of days later Bona Droon passed away. There was a great sadness that hung in the air like a cloud. For these people, they lost their leader, the one they all looked up to. He was the last of the original few that came here.

There was a burial and a sacrifice of a large sheep-type animal to their gods so that Bona could make it to his eternal peace. I couldn't help but feel melancholy for a long time. Bona may not have been the best person, but he was a person, and even though Anakin didn't believe it, I believed that he truly did love his people. They certainly loved him.

As Anakin had said, Karim was elected the new leader. Anakin had made it obvious that he wasn't interested in the position. The people looked up to Karim with hope. He was the new light in their darkness.

Anakin spent a lot of time with Karim over the next few days. He explained to him the dangers of being completely defenseless. Anakin was lucky that Karim was more willing to listen to him than Bona was. However, Karim announced that since Anakin and I didn't promise Bona, he did. He promised he would keep us from doing anything Bona wouldn't have wanted. He did agree though that a little bit of self defense lessons and tools wouldn't hurt.

Anakin seemed pleased enough with that for now and readied up to teach them a few lessons, like he wanted to over a month ago.

The people of Korith Mazi were excited and interested to learn what Anakin was teaching, except for a few of the older ones who were good friends with Bona.

Anakin spent a long time teaching them, until he was sure that they'd actually have a fighting chance were anything to happen.

One morning Anakin and I were still asleep when someone started knocking rapidly on our door. I figured we must have accidentally slept in later than usual. Last night what had started out as an innocent few kisses ended up turning into a late night make out session between me and Anakin. It was really late before we had fallen asleep.

I was curious to who was knocking on our door, but too tired to think much of it. Anakin was the one to get up.

"What's wrong?" I heard Anakin ask as I snuggled my face into my pillow.

"There's something you'll want to see." Karim's voice said.

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