Chapter 19.

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    Anakin and I talked some more and he showed me some things he had learned and was learning.
    It was starting to get late and the Jedi who went to arrest Palpatine hadn't returned. I was getting very worried. Anakin sensed my uneasiness.
    "Don't worry, I'm sure they are fine. I haven't felt any great distress in the force yet." Anakin said. I nodded.
    "I think I'll go to bed now. It's getting very late." I told Anakin. He agreed and said goodnight, assuring me if anything bad happened he would protect me. I told him that Artoo would take care of me, but he insisted just in case.
    As I was laying down I couldn't help but worry about a million different things. After awhile I finally drifted off to sleep.
    I awoke the next morning to urgent knocking on my door. I got up and opened it quickly and found Anakin waiting eagerly on the other side. "They're back!" He told me, and we both immediately ran towards the main entrance of the temple.
    We saw Obi Wan and quickly ran to him. He looked grave and he was wounded. "What happened? Did you get Palpatine?" I asked worriedly. Obi Wan nodded painfully. "We had to kill him. He proved to be too dangerous to be kept alive. He was waiting for us with hundreds of battle droids at his command. Out of the three hundred Jedi that went, only fifty survived." He said bitterly.
   I looked at him in horror. Tears started to form in my eyes as I imagined all of those good Jedi dying. "Palpatine is gone?" I whispered. Obi Wan nodded. I could scarcely think. Palpatine was gone. The galaxy was free of the dangerous Darth Sidious. Hopefully now there would never be any any Darth Vader, and maybe I could find some way to get back home.
     It was a glorious, but sad day for the Jedi. They had lost so many brave Jedi, but had defeated their greatest enemy.
     The few Jedi council members remaining came up to me and thanked me and gave me their everlasting gratitude. I promised to help them in any way I could if they ever needed it. I reminded them that now that Darth Sidious was gone I had no idea what the future would be like.
     I said my last goodbyes to Obi Wan and Anakin and said goodbye to Yoda and Mace Windu. I then left the temple to go back to my old apartment with Artoo alongside me.

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