Chapter 41.

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I woke up early the next day and left quietly, trying not to wake Anakin. I knew he was exhausted after what he went through.

Everyone in the village seemed to be in a good mood. A few had already started to prepare the beast for later. They wanted to eat it, but the thought of that made my stomach squirm so I left them to take care of that on their own.

So many people came up to me, wanting me to thank Anakin for what he had done for them. A few had even told me how lucky I was to have a man like him. I blushed and thanked them, instead of my usual denying that we were together.

It felt weird now, but more peaceful now that I could openly admit my feelings about him. It made me nervous, but I knew it would get better over time.

Anakin finally woke up around mid-day and was immediately bombarded with questions from the people. He was patient and took the time to answer their questions.

I studied him from afar and smiled to myself. He was so good. Everything about him was wonderful. He had a kind, loving heart even after all that he'd been through from a child until now. Sometimes I forgot that he was once a slave. He had grown so much since then.

He finally managed to get away from the villagers and came to where I was waiting.

"Hi." he smiled. His eyes sparkled and he looked happier than I had ever seen him.

"Hi." I smiled back and blushed when he took my hand and kissed it.

"Did you sleep well last night?" I asked.

"Yeah, I'm definitely feeling better than I was." Anakin admitted.

"Good. The people are excited to celebrate. You did something amazing." I said nodding towards the villagers.

They were all laughing and talking to each other excitedly. Anakin just shrugged and smiled.

"Someone had to protect them, since Bona Droon won't."

"You know, I've heard some talks that Bona might not be around much longer. You're actually being considered for their new leader." I laughed but he looked at me confused.

"Me? Why me? I'm not even from here. We've been here for only a few months." Anakin almost looked appalled and I was surprised at his reaction.

"I can see you're not interested?" I said.

"I'm not supposed to be a leader of a village. We're still trying to get off of here. I don't agree with the way Bona Droon does things, but these people are used to it. I can protect them if they need it, but I'm not going to lead them." Anakin said watching the people take care of the Bagir Monva.

"I see. Well, I know they'll feel safe with you around." I told him.

"All I did was kill a beast." Anakin shrugged.

"A beast that was killing their people. You were the only one who could."

"Don't get me wrong, I like the appreciation and everything, but I'm just frustrated as to why they can't defend themselves. Bona Droon rubs me the wrong way. Why did he bring these people here? He also got rid of their only way off? I don't know- seems kind of cult-ish to me." Anakin stared at the village grimly.

"It does seem odd." I agreed.

None of the people here knew anything about anything outside of their village. Bona Droon was the only one. It was weird that he had no way off, almost like he was forcing these people to live here, regardless of what they wanted. They didn't even know what they wanted because they didn't know better. Bona Droon disapproved of Anakin and I talking about other planets or where we were from. He didn't want the others to become interested.

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