Chapter 52.

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After I spent the day at the temple, I went straight over to the senator apartment building.

I was greeted by a guard when I arrived and it took some hassle to try and even get in the building, but eventually I got in.

I asked for Senator Amidala's floor when I got to the service desk and the droid sent me in the right direction.

I was excited to see my old friend. It was nice seeing her yesterday, but things felt a little more awkward in front of two Jedi Masters.

Once I got to the elevator, I had to ask for permission to enter her apartments. I was allowed through and waited patiently in the elevator as it went up. I smirked to myself realizing that this was the same elevator that Obi Wan and Anakin used to get to her apartment in Attack of the Clones.

There was so much security to get to Padme. I wondered if anyone had tried attacking her lately. I remembered telling the Jedi to keep an eye on her because Nute Gunray might be out to get her.

I was met by Captain Typho and a few Naboo soldiers when I reached her apartments.

They led me to a sitting room area where Padme was waiting.

She looked more relaxed today. Her hair was down instead of in an intricate style like she usually had and her clothes were more simple. She smiled brightly upon seeing me and hugged me tightly.

"I'm so glad you were able to come!" she said leading me to a couch where we sat down together.

"How have you been?" she asked looking at me in interest.

I tried to divert my attention from the gorgeous room to what she was saying.

"Oh! I've been good. I mean a lot has happened recently, but right now I'm good!" I said with a laugh.

"Tell me what you've been doing these past years. It's been forever." she said taking my hand in hers.

"Well, about seven or so years ago I moved to Coruscant. After you left Tattooine I stayed behind for three years and lived with Shmi. I moved to Coruscant to be closer to the Jedi, and also I had always wanted to live here. I found a job and some friends and occasionally helped the Jedi over the years. Just recently I went on a mission for them and ended up getting stranded on a planet for several months before getting back. Now I'm working for the Jedi again." I explained briefly.

"It sounds like you've been through a lot. Especially recently." she said with polite concern.

"I'm good though. How have you been? I was thankful to hear that you took my advice about Palpatine." I said in relief.

"Yes. I'm glad too. I heard who he really was. I can't believe that he was actually a Sith Lord this whole time. We all trusted him." she said in disbelief.

"Well, he was very good at deception. I'm just glad they were able to put a stop to him before it was too late." I said.

"I was a little hesitant to become senator after my term as queen was up. People looked at the job with uncertainty. If the last Naboo senator was corrupt and evil, who's to say the next wouldn't be? It's almost that reason why I chose to become the next senator. I needed to prove that the position had nothing to do with the person who once held it. In between the time where Palpatine was apprehended and I took over his role, there was no senator of Naboo. I needed my people to understand that they didn't need to fear anymore." Padme explained.

I had no idea that that had happened after Palpatine was killed. I couldn't help but admire her even more.

"Well I have no doubt that you're impressing your people. I know they really look up to you, even though you're not even queen anymore." I said and she smiled.

"Speaking of impressive. You're working with the Jedi? That must be quite an honor. They usually tend to keep to themselves." she said and I couldn't believe that she actually looked impressed herself.

"I am truly honored. It is really a privilege. I admire them greatly." I told her.

"They've always been true friends to me and my planet. I was very saddened at the death of master Qui Gon." she said quietly and my heart sunk.

I had almost forgotten that she was there on Naboo when he died. She knew him for even longer than I did.

"Have you seen Obi Wan and Ani recently? Did Ani end up becoming a Jedi?" Padme said trying to change the sad subject.

"Ani? Oh yes. Yes actually he just became a Jedi Knight." I said subtly trying to read her interest in Anakin. I was disappointed in myself. Padme didn't care for Anakin just like he didn't care about her. Things had changed.

"Wow. It's been what, like ten years or so? I probably wouldn't even recognize him if I saw him." she laughed.

"He has definitely changed a lot since then. Actually the mission I was on last with the Jedi where I got stranded was with Anakin." I said.

"That must have been at least a little comforting to have a Jedi with you." she said and I agreed.

"How have the Jedi been dealing with the war, if you don't mind me asking?" Padme asked politely.

"They do what they must for the Republic. I can say that they don't agree with some things that the Chancellor says, but they know it's their job to keep the peace, and right now unfortunately the Chancellor believes that that means fighting." I told her and her eyes narrowed.

"I will admit that I'm not all that impressed with Chancellor Sargull either. I've had numerous discussions with him and he always makes me believe that he's actually going to do something but then he doesn't. He's going with the sway of the votes. Right now, more people are voting for the army, so that's where his loyalty lies." Padme said in frustration. She stood and began to pace.

"He doesn't seem to care about the fate of the Republic. I feel as though he's power hungry. He wants people to praise him and think he's some wonderful being, but he's not. The Republic is never going to get better if we continually have leaders who are corrupt. It's not fair that the rich should always get their way because they are rich. We need an unbiased Chancellor in charge." she said.

"Why don't you run for Chancellor?" I asked as the thought came to mind.

"Me? I couldn't." she said in surprise.

"Why not? You're unbiased and a firm believer in democracy. You listen from all sides and aren't corrupt like so many other politicians. I think with you in charge, the war would be over so much more quickly." I told her standing up and taking her hands.

"Being the Chancellor is a lot of work. We're also not due for another election for two years. To become Chancellor you need to have a lot of allies. I do have many, but not enough to guarantee a place in office." she said.

"What if you proposed a vote of no confidence in Chancellor Sargull?" I asked and she shook her head.

"Chancellor Sargull is well liked by the Republic, they would never kick him out of office."

"Then you must win over the Republic and try to run in two years if this stupid war is still going." I said and she smiled sadly.

"I have to admit this isn't the first time I've talked about this to someone. The thought had crossed my mind before but I'm still unsure. I appreciate that you think I'd be a good leader though." she said.

"Please think about it more. I'm on your side and will do what I can to help you. I know it's not much but it's unfortunately all I can offer." I said.

"Any kind of support no matter how big or small is still support and I welcome it." she smiled at me.

How could I have been jealous of this woman? She was incredibly nice and caring. I certainly didn't blame Anakin for falling in love with her in the movies.

"Come, let us forget about politics for awhile and eat dinner. I want to know more about my friend." Padme said leading me to the dining room.

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