Chapter 64.

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Anakin slowly ran his fingers down my arm as I laid on his chest that night.

"You don't seem excited that I'm going with you to Dreno." I said still a little hurt from the conversation earlier in the day.

"I told you why." Anakin said quietly.

"Aren't you happy that we're going to be together though? Also we might be able to learn something that can end this war quicker." I said.

"I am happy we'll be together, but we won't be together if you know what I mean. It will be torture being so near you and not being able to show that you're my wife. You're the reason for my being. My everything. This will be extremely hard." Anakin groaned squeezing me tightly and kissing my head.

"That will be hard, but we can do it. I'm just glad I'll be able to see you a lot, at least for a little while." I said planting a kiss on his chest.

"Ugh I won't be able to sleep with you at night. I can't do this." Anakin moaned and moved his hands to my waist.

"Yeah I'm not sure how that's gonna work." I laughed. My body shivered at Anakin's movement.

"I won't be able to touch you or kiss you or f-"

"I know Anakin, it's going to be tough. Don't make it worse." I kissed him deeply and his hands tightened around my waist.

He spun our bodies around quickly so that I was laying on the bed and he was above me. His strong arms held himself up as he leaned over me. His curly hair dangled down by the sides of his face. His eyes were dark and he stared at me with so much emotion. My breath caught in my chest and all I could find myself doing was stare back at him breathlessly.

He grabbed my hands which had subconsciously covered my chest and used one of his hands to pin them up above my head.

My heart fluttered and I closed my eyes in pleasure.

Anakin left early as per usual and I was left to get everything ready to go. I called Mandro and Lentira, telling them I might be gone for awhile. I had no idea how long this mission would even take. It was a little annoying how both of them gave me a hard time about making sure to not crash. I rolled my eyes and said my goodbyes.

I packed my bags unsure of how long I would be there, so I filled them to the brim.

The next day I heard my doorbell ring early and found Anakin and Ahsoka waiting outside my door with Artoo.

"Hello my lady. Are you ready to go?" Anakin asked and Artoo beeped excitedly.

"Artoo! How are you little guy? I've missed you so much!" I said hugging the droid.

I saw Ahsoka give Anakin a confused glance but he just smiled at her.

"Yes I'm ready. Let me get my bags." I said answering Anakin's question.

I grabbed my bags and followed them out.

"Are you ready for another mission with the Jedi?" Ahsoka asked with a smirk.

"Yes actually. I know last time didn't end up exactly like we planned, but I'm excited to go out and actually try to make a difference." I told her and she smiled.

"Well we'll make sure you're safe this time. With me and Obi Wan -"

"Hey! I kept her safe! The ship crashed and I made sure she was unharmed. It's not my fault we were stuck there for months." Anakin scowled at his padawan and she laughed.

"Sure sure master. This time you'll have help though. Just in case." she grinned up at him and he rolled his eyes.

"Let's go Snips" Anakin said taking my bags from me and carrying them to a ship.

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