Chapter 61.

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We were silent most of the speeder ride back to my apartment. I was really hoping that he didn't have to leave quickly. I seriously wanted to attack him with kisses with the way he handled Pantulla.

The lady had been throwing herself at him all night and he had been kind but firm in his refusal. I wondered if he was still mad at me because of Prince Dolean. I hoped I had made it up to him.

I kept waiting for Anakin to say something but it never came. Maybe he was still mad at me.

We got to my apartment and he followed me in.

I turned to ask him if he was staying long when his lips crashed into mine furiously.

He wrapped his arms around me tightly pinning myself to him.

His kisses were hard and wanting. "I have been waiting for this all night." he breathed while trailing hot kisses down my neck.

I closed my eyes and let myself be consumed with passion. I had been waiting for this too.

Before I knew it he had actually ripped my dress off my body. "Anakin! This dress wasn't mine!" I gasped in disbelief.

"Oops. Guess you'll have to say it ripped or something." he sounded unconcerned as his eyes raked over my body. I loved the way his eyes darkened. It caused shivers up my body.

"You're horrible." I whispered not really meaning it.

He chuckled and my knees went weak. "That's not what you're going to say after tonight. I have been thinking of so many different things I want to do with you tonight." he said slowly removing his belt.

"Like what?" I swallowed and he smirked.

"I guess you'll just have to find out, but first there's something I have been wanting to do for awhile." Anakin said and he lifted me up wrapping my legs around his waist.

He carried me to the bathroom and set me down.

"What are we doing?" I asked confused to why he brought us in here.

"I'm going to help you scrub that man's hands off of your body." Anakin said turning on the shower. "And then when I'm done, I'm going to make sure you never even remember his face."

I blushed deeply. Did he want to shower with me? It seemed like every time I saw him, Anakin always surprised me.

Anakin took off his clothes and I put down my hair. Ever the gentleman he let me in first and I sighed in relief at the feeling of the hot water falling over my body.

Anakin grabbed a small towel and poured some body wash on it. I watched him and my heart pounded. He was so sexy. His hair was wet and slightly curly and his toned muscles on display.

He gently rubbed the towel all over my body and I shivered. He was so slow and gentle. I wanted him to hurry so that we could move on, but he seemed to enjoy taking his time.

He carefully wiped the makeup off my face and smiled down at me. "There you are. I love this face." he said and planted a small kiss on my nose.

It was amazing how special he made me feel. Was there anyone better? I seriously doubted so.

Once he was finished cleaning he set the towel down. He tried to kiss me but I ducked and picked the towel back up.

"My turn." I told him, putting some more soap on the towel.

"Your turn?" Anakin said but he sounded pleased. He closed his eyes as soon as I started rubbing the towel against his body. I could have done that all day, tracing his abs and rubbing my hands along his skin causing goose bumps all over his body.

Before I could finish all the way he grabbed my face in his hands and started kissing me passionately.

He pressed me up against the cold wall and kissed me hard. His hands rubbed up and down my body. I was practically melting in his arms.

Eventually we made it back into the bedroom hardly breaking contact. Let's just say neither of us got any sleep that night.

Anakin had to leave at like four in the morning to report back to the temple. I was snuggled in his arms and really didn't want him to leave.

"I love you so much." I said planting a kiss on his chest and he hugged me tightly as we laid in bed, cherishing these last few minutes we had.

"I love you too. Sometimes it's hard to imagine that you're actually my wife. That this isn't some amazing dream I'm having and that I'll wake up and it will all be a lie." Anakin said kissing my head.

"I know what you mean. Sometimes I have dreams where I wake up back on earth and none of this has happened. I don't know what I'd do without you anymore." I said as he drew designs on my back with his finger.

"I'm not going anywhere." Anakin told me. "Except to the Jedi temple and I'm running late." he said frustratingly.

I groaned and rolled off of him. He kissed my neck. "I'm sorry my love."

"I hope I get to see you again before you're off on another mission." I said sadly.

"Me too." he said trying to figure out where he left his clothes.

I smiled and watched him. I had yet to regret a single day of loving this man. He made everything seem right. I couldn't imagine what it would be like today if I never gave in. We'd both just probably have a secret longing for each other that may or may not have ever come to light.

"I'll be at the temple later today. If they do call you away, try not to leave until I get there so I can say goodbye." I said looking at him sadly.

"I won't leave. I'll also try and bring my padawan to meet you a little more. It seems like you like her." Anakin gave a chuckle.

"I do! Ani that would be great!" I said excitedly.

He smiled and walked over to give me a kiss. "I wish you were always that excited to see me." he smirked and I playfully hit him.

"Like I'm not?" I rolled my eyes at him and he kissed me again.

"Not as excited as I am to see you." he challenged and I shook my head.

"Keep telling yourself that."

"I'm a Jedi. I can sense these things." he teased.

"I think your sense is a little off then."

He tickled me and I had to smack him to stop.

"Fine. I do have to get going though." he looked disappointed as he ran a hand down my leg.

"I'll see you soon." I promised running a hand through his hair.

He leaned into my touch and kissed my wrist.

"Goodbye for now my love." Anakin kissed my forehead and left the room.

Like always, the absence of him was hugely felt and the loneliness started to seep in. I had to remind myself that I would see him again today.

Those thoughts and the memories of the might before helped me get through the rest of the night and even get a couple hours of sleep in until the next morning.

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