Chapter 32.

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Once we got back to our room I turned to Anakin immediately.

"Dooku said he's not responsible for the attack on Coruscant. If he didn't attack, then who did?" I whisper.

"He's obviously lying. No one else is crazy enough to do something like that."

"I'm not sure. We can't just blame him if it wasn't actually him. We need to find proof." I tell him.

"I'm guessing more Obi Wan stuff?" Anakin said and crossed his arms in annoyance.

"Yes. Especially now that we've turned down his offer. I doubt he'll even want us to stay much longer." I say.

"That's even more of a reason for us to try to find it. We might not have much time." Anakin insisted.

"No, the Jedi gave us strict orders to stay in character. We have our job, Obi Wan has his."

"We can stay in character and go try to find out. We'll say that we just wanted to have a look around before we left." Anakin tried to persuade me.

"I don't think so." I tell him.

There was no way. The risk was too high. If we got caught, who knows what they would do to us. I didn't want to end up in the arena fighting monsters like they did in the movie. Even Padme had much more fighting practice than I did.

"Come on. I'm tired of sitting around and doing nothing."

"We're going to do what we were told to do." I told him sternly.

"You sound like Obi Wan."

"Is that why you're not listening to me?" I scoffed.

Anakin shook his head in frustration and went to look out the window.

I looked at him and sighed. Being cooped up on this planet wasn't helping either of our moods. Not to mention the uncomfortable outfits we had to wear at all times.

I went over to Anakin and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Anakin I'm sorry. I don't mean to be snappy. I just know we had a duty given to us by the Jedi. I don't want to let them down." I explained softly. I felt him sigh deeply.

"I understand that we have orders, but I also understand that the reason we came here was to find out Dooku's plans and if he was behind the attack. We can't go back empty-handed." Anakin turned towards me and I could tell he wanted to please the Jedi just as much as I did.

I thought for a moment. "Fine. We'll take a quick look around, but if anyone asks, we say that we were just looking around and admiring the architecture." I told him.

He looked at me and smiled brightly. My heart fluttered a little and I couldn't help but smile back.

"Good. Let's go." Anakin grabbed my hand and led me out of the room.

We walked quietly through the maze-like halls trying not to appear suspicious.

"There must be some sort of room where they keep their battle plans. I have a feeling we'll find what we're looking for in there." Anakin whispered and I nodded.

I was used to all of the futuristic buildings and sliding doors and metal walls and floors. The buildings on Geonosis were far from that. The walls were made up of stone and rock hard dirt. There were no droid ports or access panels on any walls. Only the geonosians knew the layout of their fortress.

"Do you think you can maybe sense where the room is with the force?" I ask quietly.

He looked at me amused. "The force doesn't work like that. It only works with the living. A room with battle plans isn't alive." he chuckled.

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