Chapter 48.

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Mandro took me to my apartment and I couldn't help but cry again when I went inside. My emotions were going crazy. Being back almost felt like everything in the past few months had been a dream. My apartment looked exactly the way it did before.

"Would you like to be alone or have company? I don't want you feeling overwhelmed." Mandro said waiting by the door.

"Don't leave me yet." I said in a small voice.

"I'm always here for you." he said coming to give me a hug.

I dried my tears and laughed. "I'm sorry I keep crying."

"It's completely normal to cry. You went through a lot and now you're back. Everything is different and scary and overwhelming, but it's going to be okay. You can cry whenever you want to." Mandro said.

I was so thankful to have Mandro and Artoo. I thought about my other friends too. They probably wondered what had happened to me. I needed to call them as soon as I could.

Mandro stayed with me for several hours, keeping me up to date with random news that had happened. He stayed super late, but once he left I felt this huge sense of loneliness.

I climbed into my bed and just laid there for hours, not able to sleep. Too much had happened, and also I was so used to sleeping with Anakin that I was hyper aware of his lack of presence.

In the early morning I got out of bed, unable to stay in there anymore and called Lentira.

She screamed when she heard my voice and promised she'd be right over. Hearing her made me feel much better. I needed to just get back into how things used to be. Just pretend like everything was fine, like how it was before I fell in love and got married and all that stuff.

Lentira came quickly, practically beating down the door when she arrived.

When I let her in she tackled me with a big hug.

"Ivy! Where have you been? We all thought you had died or something. After the whole building attack things you just disappeared. No one knew where you had gone. A couple of people saw you with Jedi and thought maybe you were with them or something." she said dragging me to the couch to sit with her.

"I was working with the Jedi, but ran into some complications. I was pretty much stranded these past few months. I'm finally back though!" I said in relief.

"I've missed you so much! Things aren't the same without you! Are you coming back to work?" she asked.

"Probably not- at least not for awhile. I have another job that I'm kind of tied to right now." I told her.

"You've just got back, and you already have a different job?" she asked almost hurt.

"It's really important but I'm afraid I can't say much about it." I told her awkwardly.

"Fine. Keep your little secrets." she said disappointedly.


"It's really fine. I'm just glad you're back. I've missed my best friend." she said hugging me again.

"I've missed you too." I held her tightly.

"Where were you? You're so tan now. We definitely need to go and fix your hair though." she said looking at my hair in disappointment.

"Well they didn't exactly have any nice shampoo where I was. I actually bathed more than most on that planet." I tried to defend myself.

"Well, you're back on Coruscant now. You need to look like you live here, not on some rinky dink little planet with no standards." she said.

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