Chapter 71.

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The next day I found myself smiling, thinking of the night before while I was in Padme's apartment.

"What are you thinking about? That doesn't look like a 'I'm happy we were successful look'." Padme said with a smirk.

I blushed trying to remove all thoughts of Anakin's hands and lips on my body from my mind.

"I am happy that we were successful." I told her.

"I know the responsibility to figure everything out now will fall on me. Because this is my idea, Chancellor Sargull will make sure that I'm the one who has to figure it out. I'm prepared to though. It's going to be a lot of work. Sargull wants to meet with me today, would you like to come?" she asked hopefully.

I had come with her this far, I wasn't about to leave her alone on this. "Of course, if you want." I said and she smiled brightly.

"Thank you. I wanted to thank you again for all that you've done. I will never be able to thank you enough." she said.

"Oh, no, it's just what anyone would do." I said shrugging.

"I only wish that were true." she said sadly.

When it was time, Padme and I went to see Chancellor Sargull. He looked annoyed when we arrived.

He greeted us politely enough before quickly talking about business.

"I didn't like how you purposely made me look like a fool yesterday." he said glaring at Padme.

"Chancellor, with all due respect, you were implying that it was either all or nothing. I had to mention what the real solution would be in case anyone was mistaken." Padme said politely. I knew that's not what she really wanted to say, but she was trying to keep things civil.

"Well, whatever you thought you were doing made me look bad. Now, I want you to prove to me that this little idea of yours will work. I want you to bring the systems that left, back into the Republic." Sargull said.

"There's no way I can bring everyone back. A lot of them are under Count Dooku's power. Their lives are at risk." Padme scoffed.

"I want you to at least gather up the leaders or representatives or whatever to discuss The possibility of them coming back. If we're making these changes to the Republic then we'll need more systems." Sargull demanded.

"I will do what I can, but there's no guarantee that any of them will come back. I think we need to focus on the systems we still have before we try to get some back." Padme told him.

"Senator Amidala I have told you what I want you to do." Sargull interrupted her and she sat back angrily.

"Fine. I shall try to schedule a meeting with the systems. Don't be surprised if nothing happens though." Padme said standing up to take her leave.

"Good senator. I shall see you later." Chancellor Sargull dismissed us with a wave.

"I cannot stand that man." Padme said angrily as we quickly walked back to her ship.

"That's why you need to replace him." I whispered and she frowned.

"I'm beginning to think you're right."

When we were on the ship in a more private setting I continued. "With the success with the smaller systems, you might have enough people to back you up in the next election. Padme, there's no one better for the job than you." I insisted.

Padme looked thoughtful. "I'm not sure. I'm have my hands busy with the war and making sure everyone has what they need."

"Exactly why you should become Chancellor. You could make sure things are the way they are supposed to be. You can get rid of the corruption of the Republic and turn it into something incredible that would benefit all." I told her.

"Not everyone will like that. The richest systems won't want to give up the power they have. I know they were the ones to vote no to helping the weak. They're not going to give up without a fight." Padme said.

"You can handle it. I know you can. Think of the good it would do the galaxy." I told her and she smiled at me.

"You have a lot of faith in me."

"I know you're the best person for the job." I said.

"I will think about it and maybe talk about it to some others and see what they think. In the meantime, I need to figure out how to get all of those systems together. Do you think you could talk to the King Randu of the Garvin system again and see if he thinks anyone would even be willing to talk?" Padme asked.

"I could try." I shrugged nervously.

"I would really appreciate that. I'll try and talk to some old contacts who are from some of those new separatist systems." Padme said. "I'll call you tonight and we can go over some more things."

I agreed and she dropped me off at the Jedi Temple.

"Do you think I'd be able to talk to the king of Dreno again? Sargull is making Padme bring the old systems together in order to convince them to rejoin the Republic." I asked Mace Windu as we walked through the temple halls.

"We can probably arrange some sort of long distance call." Mace Windu told me and said that he'd let me know the next day.

I thanked him and went on my way. The war of politics was almost as scary as the real battles. I remember as a child I would skip over the Clone Wars episodes of Padme and politics, now I wished I had paid more attention.

The call happened and I was able to convince king Randu to attend the meeting, and try to convince other systems to come as well.

The neutral system of Senstra Bon allowed us to hold the meeting on their planet Servis. Pretty soon we had over a hundred systems that promised that they'd be there.

The meeting came fast and the night before we were supposed to leave I found myself pacing nervously in my room.

"I wish I could come with you." Anakin said angrily. "I don't like knowing that you'll be all alone with seperatists."

"I won't be alone." I insisted.

"Oh yeah, because Padme can protect you." Anakin scoffed.

"Hey. We'll be fine. I'm just nervous that none of them will join." I said.

"Have faith. If Padme can deliver a speech again like she did to Republic, I think you'll be okay." Anakin tried to make me feel better.

"I'm so nervous. I know I won't be the one doing any of the talking, but being there... You know I hate doing stuff like that. It was hard enough being with Padme when she gave her speech." I said hugging myself.

"Hey. You don't have to go. I know you get anxious about these things and that's okay." Anakin wrapped his arms around me, keeping me still.

"I can't not go." I said disappointedly.

"Hey, I'll be thinking about you." Anakin pressed his forehead against mine.

"I'll be thinking about you too. While I'm gone, win some battles for me." I smirked.

Anakin chuckled and kissed my nose. "Will do my lady."

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