Chapter 63.

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"Obi Wan?" I sat up and quickly brushed the tears from my eyes, trying to hide that I had been crying. "Nothing's wrong."

Obi Wan looked at me in concern before walking over and sitting on the floor next to me.

He waited for me to tell him what was wrong and I sighed.

"Do you think I'm just making stuff up to look as though I know what I'm doing?" I asked quietly.

"Well, doesn't everybody? Nobody truly knows what to do in this war, but sometimes confidence instills confidence in others, but it has to start with someone who may not know what they're doing. Why are you worried about this?" Obi Wan asked.

"I just- no reason. Someone just told me that and it hurt a little. Well, hurt a lot." I laughed and wiped my tears again.

"The only person I know who would think that and would feel it's okay to say something like that would be Anakin. Did he say that to you?" Obi Wan asked seemingly annoyed with his former padawan.

I didn't say anything but felt a fresh wave of tears threatening to spill. Obi Wan must have sensed it.

"You know how Anakin is. He rarely thinks before he speaks. I know he didn't mean it. He holds you in high regard. I think he might be a little too comfortable around you." Obi Wan said and I hesitated. I shouldn't be talking to Obi Wan about Anakin. I didn't want him to figure out anything.

"He's just so frustrating." I found myself saying. "He won't even try to open his eyes. He's got it ingrained in his head that the Republic are the good guys and the Separatists are bad but it's not that black and white. There are good and bad on both sides if you actually look. Killing innocent people who happen to be Separatists isn't a win for the Republic. It's a loss for everyone." I said.

"I don't even know why Anakin pretends to bother discussing politics. You're right when you say he doesn't understand the broader picture. If anyone is making stuff up to appear as if they know things it's him. Try not to pay too much attention to what Anakin says." Obi said and I smirked.

"I'll try."

"I do know that whatever he said, he didn't mean to hurt you. I know for a fact that he would never do anything if he thought it would harm you." Obi Wan said.

"You know for a fact?" I asked, curiosity winning over wanting to drop the subject.

Obi Wan gave a small chuckle. "He probably wouldn't want me to tell you this, but he talks about you often. After you were both stuck on Korith Mazi you're all he seems to think about. Anakin has always cared for you, ever since he was a young boy and you stayed behind to take care of his mother, a very noble thing to do. Since you've started working with the Jedi, his caring for you has only become more. He's a Jedi and he knows his duties, but I feel as though there isn't much he wouldn't do for you. Whatever he said, try not to pay too much attention to it because he didn't mean it. I don't know why I'm defending him, I suppose I'm doing it more for your sake. You're doing all you can for the Republic and Jedi and we are extremely grateful. Even if there was nothing you could do to ever help again, the Jedi would still value you. You've helped us a lot." Obi Wan said.

His words were like a soft, warm blanket covering me after I felt like I was drowning in a cold, dark ocean.

I hugged Obi Wan the best I could sitting down beside him. "Thank you Obi Wan. I'm so glad I got to know you." I said and he smiled.

"I'm glad too. You're a good friend. It hurts me to see you saddened, especially by something stupid said by my former padawan.

"I'm going to have to talk with him about keeping his big mouth shut. This isn't the first time and I'm sure it won't be the last." Obi Wan shook his head and I laughed.

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