Chapter 67.

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The days flew by in Dreno, but I was thankful for my time there. I learned so much. Things I would have never known if I hadn't come along. I was able to spend some time with Ahsoka which was great. She was funny and curious. I loved hearing her stories about her adventures with Anakin. She had only been his Padawan for a short time, but she already had so many stories to tell.

   Anakin and I rarely had any time alone, but it probably was for the better. It was hard seeing him every day and pretending that we were just friends. Seeing him still made my heart beat wildly. He was so handsome with his curly hair and perfect face and body. I think he knew he was driving me crazy because I would notice him smirk every once in awhile.

When it was time to head back to Coruscant, I was sad to leave, but also eager to give the information I had learned to Padme. I really hoped she could use this to change things. Maybe the Senate would actually open their eyes and see what was happening.

Anakin must have sensed something was making me impatient. We were the only two in the cockpit on our way back to Coruscant.

"You seem on edge. Is everything okay? You almost seem like you can't wait to be back." Anakin turned towards me confused.

"I've just learned so much. It's hard to sit still. I would be lying if I said I wasn't glad to be headed home. With what we've learned on this trip- Anakin, this could be a huge help." I told him. I noticed he seemed a little disappointed. It was my turn to ask what was wrong.

"Once we get back though. It's back to our old routine." Anakin said grimly.

"Well hopefully the war can end sooner, and... And you won't have to leave as often" I finished quietly, praying no one was close by.

"I hope so because I don't know if I can do this much longer." Anakin admitted.

"Unfortunately now is not the time or place for this discussion." I whispered and his eyes narrowed.

"I'm so sick of this." Anakin brought his fist down on his armrest and I jumped back in surprise. He stood up from his chair and left me alone in the cockpit dumbfounded.

Something must really be bothering him. I didn't know whether I should check on him or leave him alone. The ship wasn't the best place for a heart to heart talk.

A minute after Anakin left, Ahsoka came inside.

"Is Master Skywalker okay? He seems to be in a really bad mood." she said sitting in a chair next to mine.

"I'm honestly not sure what happened." I said truthfully.

"What were you guys talking about?" Ahsoka asked curiously.

"Not much. I was telling him that I hope that we can end this war sooner with the new information we have. I'm not sure what caused him to get angry." I lied.

"Well that's strange, but my master can get very moody at times. For a Jedi, he can be very emotional." Ahsoka admitted.

I couldn't help but laugh a little. "Yeah, but that's not always bad. He has a good heart, usually that's why he feels so strongly. He cares too much, about everything." I said quietly.

Our relationship must be putting a lot of strain on him. It was hard on me, I know it had to be at least as hard for him. There were so many times when I wanted to say screw it and tell Anakin that I didn't want to hide our relationship anymore, even if it ruined our lives. I knew Anakin would leave the order without a second thought if I asked him to. I would never though.

"You care about him." Ahsoka noticed and my eyes snapped to her nervously.

"What do you mean? Of course I care about him. He's my friend." I said quickly.

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