Chapter 14.

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   I made myself dinner and charged Artoo. I sat by the window and watched the ships pass by as the sun went down. I thought about my dream again, and how strange it was. I wasn't sure what was even going on. Were the Republic hiding from the Separatists? I thought about Anakin in the dream. Were we supposed to be good friends, or more than friends? I felt really uncomfortable when I remembered that Anakin was only like thirteen right now. I thought about how hot he was in the dream. No. Stop. I tried to turn away from those thoughts. I focused on Shmi. I wondered what she was doing right now. I missed her, Owen and Threepio. Cliegg and I were never very close, but I kinda missed him too. I remembered my real family too. Will I never get back home to Earth?
      The next morning Mandro came on time. He brought breakfast for me again. I assured him that he needn't do that, but he insisted that he wanted to. I thanked him and soon we were back in the speeder dock.
     I was getting better at flying, but still was no where near good enough when we stopped for the day.
    I asked Mandro about maybe me getting a holoprojector. He agreed it would be a good idea to have one, so he took me somewhere to get one.
    My money was almost gone after I had bought a holoprojector and comlink. I really hoped I would get the job with Lentira and her friends.
    After Mandro took me back home je showed me how to set up my new devices. He gave me his code to enter in to contact him if I needed to.
     I told him about my interview that I was going to have and he wished me luck and told me to contact him when I ever wanted to practice flying. I assured him I would.
    He soon left and I was once again alone with Artoo. I plopped on the ground and wrapped my arms around him. "What would I do without you Artoo?" I asked aloud.
    The next day everything went smooth. I had the interview and got the job. I found out that I would start work in the beginning of the next week. I had the same hours as Lentira and her friends Relina and Jaakla.
    On the first day of work I was really nervous. I had never worked at a real job before. I knew all about taking care of human children. I practically helped raise my siblings on earth, but I knew nothing about taking care of different species. Lentira assured me that they were mostly the same. Some children just needed different food than others and stuff like that.
    I instantly took a looking to a little girl who looked mostly human but had wolf-like ears. I wasn't sure what species she was, but she was adorable. Her name was Krylala and she was two.
    I was in charge of watching the toddlers. They were definitely a lively group. There was one very obnoxious Cerean boy named Rooka. He would run around screaming and throwing toys everywhere. He was very hard to control.
     Soon the whole room was a mess because of him and all the toddlers were screaming around following him. I groaned inwardly and took a deep breath. Suddenly I had an idea.
    "Hey everyone, why don't we all sing a song?" I called to all of the children. A few of them stopped curiously, but several of the kids ignored me.
    I started singing the clean up song loudly. I hadn't sung this song in years but hopefully the kids would like it. I repeated the song several times before getting down on the floor and picking things up and putting them away.
     I went over to Rooka and had him help me. Soon the whole room was singing and cleaning and before I knew it, everything was picked up.
    I was quite proud of myself, and the other employees in the room just stared at me in wonder.
    After that I tried a bunch of other earthly games and songs to keep the toddlers occupied.
    When it was time for all of the children to leave Lentira came up to me. "What was that? That was amazing! You kept all of the children occupied and they even cleaned up their own messes!" "Well back on my planet that's what we usually do. Children love singing and stuff. I'm afraid I don't know any songs from here." I said.
    "Where are you from?" Lentira asked. "Mars. It's very very far from here." I answered after awhile. For some reason I didn't want anyone to know about Earth. "Well they must have very smart people there." Lentira said. "Yes." Was all I could say.
    I was staying to feel very homesick again.
     "Are you ready to go?" Lentira asked after all of the children had left. I told her I was and we made our way back to our apartment building.
    "Thank you for giving me a ride home. I hope that I'll be able to get my own ship soon." I said when we were in the hallway. "It's no problem at all to give you a ride. I have to go there anyways, and it's nice to have someone come along." Lentira insisted.
    I hugged her and said goodbye as I went into my room. I greeted Artoo and spent a little time with him before making my dinner.
    I sang songs that I knew from earth. It was the little piece of home I had with me.
    I got ready for bed, and soon fell asleep listening to the sound of Coruscant.

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