Chapter 45.

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Karim's voice sounded urgent and it woke me up. I sat up and looked over at the door but Anakin and Karim had already left.

I hopped out of bed quickly and changed into some normal clothes before racing out of my hut and searching wildly for my husband.

They must have gone very quickly because I couldn't see them anywhere. I had no idea where to look. Were they inside the village or did they leave? Was it another Bagir Monva?

I saw a child named Vadna and quickly went up to her. "Did you see Karim and Skywalker?" I asked her. The children liked calling Anakin, Skywalker. They thought it sounded cooler.

"They went into the old master's home." she said pointing to Bona Droon's old hut.

"Thank you Vadna." I told her before running to his hut.

When I opened the door I found an almost empty room. The only piece of furniture was Bona's old bed, but it was moved from it's original position. Where the bed used to be was an open door on the floor. I quickly went over to it and peered down.

"Anakin?" I called out.

"Come down." Anakin's voice seemed angry and I hurried down a ladder that was propped up against the door. I wasn't sure what I was going to find when I reached the bottom.

It was dark except for a small light that Karim was holding, but the light was illuminating something big.

"Anakin, is that-" I stared in disbelief at the giant object.

"A ship. Yes it is." Anakin's voice was dark.


"That karking bastard had a ship this whole time!" Anakin yelled and I heard his fists come down hard on the metal of the ship.

I looked at him in surprise. I had never heard Anakin curse before.

"We could have left so long ago." He muttered trying to calm himself down.

"Can we even get this thing out of here?" I asked looking up at the ceiling. Instead of the usual dirt floor huts that everyone else had, this one was made of wood.

"We'll have to tear down his hut." Anakin said walking around the ship.

"Why would he even have this? He was so against it, you'd think he would have destroyed it." I said in disbelief as I ran my hand along the side of it.

"My guess is that he was saving it in case he ever needed a quick escape." Anakin said bitterly.

"Anakin that's not fair. You don't know if that's true." I said.

"Does it even matter? He was keeping this from us the whole time!" Anakin yelled.

"It's his property, he didn't have to give it to us if he didn't want to." I tried to rationalize.

"If he was worried about losing his ship we could have sent one back. No, he did this on purpose." Anakin snapped.

"Ani!" I grabbed his arm and made him face me.

"You're getting too worked up. We can't go back in time. We found this now. Let go of the past. We can go home now. Focus on that." I said holding his face in my hands.

Karim was looking at us with confusion in his eyes. I realized that Anakin and I had been speaking Basic and that he couldn't understand us.

"Can we get this out?" I asked Karim in his native tongue.

"We'll have to tear down the hut." he replied and Anakin held out his hands as if to say "I already told you."

I rolled my eyes at Anakin and addressed Karim again. "Can we do that now?"

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