Chapter 7.

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      Well the months went by and as hard as I tried, I could not find a job anywhere. One; I had no experience with anything. Two; I couldn't speak Huttese. (I was slowly learning though). Three; No one wanted to hire me. They would rather have droids or slaves that worked for no money.
     Shmi and I had gotten very close. I thought of her as a temporary mother, or my mother from another galaxy. She missed Anakin terribly and I constantly tried to cheer her up. She finally met Cliegg Lars and like how it happened in the movie, he bought her then freed and married her.
     We moved to his moisture farm which was awesome. I got to see all of the familiar places of the Lars Homestead. I loved going out and looking at the sunset, just like Luke did in A New Hope. Cliegg Lars was kind enough to give me a place to stay, as well as a job as a farmhand, though I think he did that only for Shmi's sake. I missed my family terribly, but I knew it would be almost impossible to get back to Earth. I still had no explanation to how I came here in the first place.
     Owen Lars was around Anakin's age, and it seemed like he somewhat made up for Anakin's absence to Shmi. Although he was a good, nice boy, he lacked Anakin's spirit and enthusiasm. He was very kind though and we soon became good friends.
    After a little bit of trouble, Artoo finally made his way to us. I had almost forgotten that Padmé had promised to send him. I hoped it was a sign that all was well on Naboo. I was so happy when I saw him that I ran up and gave him a huge hug. Later, Owen asked me why I had hugged a droid. "Oh Artoo is more than a droid." I replied. "How?" He asked confused. "He just is." I laughed. "I love him, even though most people think of him as a machine."
     From then on, Owen treated Artoo with a lot of respect. I took R2 with me everywhere I went and soon we developed a very close bond. I could almost start understanding him. R2 and Threepio were sort of friends like they were in the movies, but I wasn't around Threepio too much. Shmi liked being around him though. He reminded her of her little Ani. She was working on him, trying to complete what Anakin hadn't. I helped her the best I could with my small knowledge of fixing droids, only what Anakin had taught me.
   I never heard any news from Obi Wan, Qui Gon or Padmé. I could only assume that what happened in the movie happened, and that made me sad. Every night I would go out and apologize to Qui Gon, speaking to the air. I also prayed to God, asking Him to watch over my family on Earth, and to watch over everyone in this galaxy.
     It wasn't particularly exciting on Tatooine, but it was cool to be living at the place where Luke grew up. I was always worried about Tusken Raiders though. I was constantly warning people to be very careful when they went out, especially Shmi. Shmi took my words to heart, always believing everything I said, so I always only told her the truth.
    Three years had passed and I had saved up a small fortune. I was always waiting for a ship to come. I had gotten to the point where I had almost given up hoping that Obi Wan had remembered to send one. The day it came I wasn't prepared. What was I going to do? Yell the Jedi about Palpatine and Dooku? And what about the clones on Kamino? I decided to tell them about Palpatine and the clones. I wasn't sure if Dooku was even bad yet. The pilot told me he had instructions to take me to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. I rushed to pack my few belongings. Shmi walked into my room. "You're going?" She asked quietly. "I'm going to the Jedi Temple to tell them some very important things. I might end up moving there. Coruscant. I want you to come too." I said. She shook her head. "I belong here. You must go and do what you want. I'm fine here. Do you think that you'll see Anakin at the Jedi Temple?" "I don't know, but if I do I'll try to tell him that you love him and that you're in good hands." I said. Shmi smiled and nodded sadly. I held her hand and looked into her eyes. "I'll see you again. Hopefully soon." I promised. I hugged her tightly. Both of us had tears in our eyes. I found Artoo and explained to him that he and I would be leaving to Coruscant to speak to the Jedi. He beeped happily, excited to be going to a new place. I said goodbye to Cliegg and thanked him for his generosity and kindness and told him to watch over Shmi. I hugged Owen goodbye and kissed his forehead. "You watch over Shmi too okay? And never stop being the kindhearted soul you are. You've been a very good friend Owen Lars." He smiled and hugged me again. Before I went onto the ship to take me to Coruscant, I said goodbye to Shmi one last time. "Be careful Shmi." I whispered as I gave her one last hug. "You be careful yourself Ivy." I nodded and Artoo and I climbed aboard the ship. It was the first time I had ever flown in space. I was nervous and excited. I was going to Coruscant! I was scared that I would be going alone. Artoo did give me a little comfort though. I shivered slightly in the ship. I had gotten used to the very warm temperature of Tatooine. Space was cold. We soon blasted off into hyperspace.

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