Chapter 42.

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The people of Korith Mazi celebrated in the form of a feast. All of the villagers had come together and made many delicious-looking meals, and the main dish was the Bagir Monva.

The people of Korith Mazi started calling Anakin, 'Bor Nof' or 'Beast Slayer'. Bona Droon did not come out to celebrate claiming that he wasn't feeling well, but I had a feeling he was upset at Anakin for disobeying him.

I thought Anakin would enjoy the attention. He always seemed to in the movies and shows, but he was quiet and humble during the feast and almost seemed uncomfortable.

He held my hand any chance we got and my stomach fluttered every time. I was in so deep. I had fallen heat over heels for him. The little voice screaming in my head that I should stop had been silenced. I was completely smitten with him.

I tried not to focus only on him but it was hard. I eventually forced myself to break free from him and see my friend Ilara.

"This feast is amazing." I told her and she nodded.

"I helped make the bread and Gorgor cake." she smiled and pointed at the beautiful cake made from the exotic fruit of the planet.

"How is Anakin doing now that he's back?" she asked.

"He's doing good. I think he's finally caught up on sleep again." I laughed.

"He's so brave. Where did you two go yesterday?" she looked at me with a smirk.

"Uh, he wanted to show me this pretty place he found." I said nervously.

"Uh huh, and what did you do once you got there?" she was trying not to smile.

I looked at her pointedly. "Ilara." I said embarrassed, my cheeks flushed.

"I think I have a good idea. I don't blame you. Not only is he very attractive, but he's very brave as well. If he were one of the village boys, all of the girls would be fighting over him." she laughed.

"I'm surprised they aren't." I said. I had seen a few of the village girls already eyeing him.

"Oh they are, but they know they have no chance. He's obviously only interested in you. I've heard a few of the girls have even tried to flirt with him but he doesn't show any interest." she laughed and shook her head.

"Some girls have tried flirting with him?" I asked in surprise. Anakin had never said anything about that.

"Can you blame them? I mean, other than his silly hair, he is gorgeous." she giggled.

I smirked at the hair remark. "Yeah I guess you're right."

It made me feel funny inside knowing that other girls had tried to get his attention, but he ignored them because he loves me.

"You're lucky that you aren't really from this village so you can go off whenever you want to and not be questioned. If Del and I left anywhere, the whole village would be wondering where we had gone. We'd definitely get a scolding when we came back." she said frustratingly.

"Are you and Del finally together?" I asked excitedly and she grinned bashfully.

"Yes. He has finally come around. It took him long enough to realize that I liked him."

"Well I'm happy for you! Do you think that people think bad of me and Anakin when we leave to be alone?" I asked, worried that my fears were true.

"I think that most just think it's inappropriate for two people who aren't married to go off on their own to spend time together without people watching." she admitted.

"I understand, but Anakin and I just started our relationship. It would be ridiculous to get married." I said and Ilara looked at me confused.

"Why would it be ridiculous? If he's your partner, then why not? Del and I will be married soon." she said.

"Already? You haven't even spent that much time together! Do you even know him that well?" I asked in shock.

"Our village must be different than where you're from. For us, once you choose who you want, you get married." she said simply.

"But what if you find out that you don't like each other like you thought you did?" I asked.

"Then we try to work it out, but if it still doesn't work, we can break the marriage binding and find someone else. That has rarely happened here though." she said.

"I guess that can kind of make sense." I said, still not impressed with their customs.

"My people are very lenient with you. They will even more so for what Anakin has done. You two are living together and are not married. That's pretty much unheard of here." Ilara said.

"I didn't know the people felt like this." I said quietly.

"Does it matter what my people think? You know much more about the galaxy than any of us do. I'm sure you're used to something else." she said.

"Things are a bit different where I'm from yes, but I understand where you're coming from." I said.

"Please don't worry about what anyone thinks of you. They like you far more than they judge you." Ilara smiled and hugged me tightly before going to meet Del.

I found my way back over to Anakin and he looked at me concerned. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing. I'll tell you about it later. Enjoy tonight." I forced a smile and handed him some of Ilara's bread.

Anakin looked like he wanted to keep prodding, but chose against it.

Soon the moon was high in the sky and everyone was cleaning and heading to bed.

Anakin tried to hold my hand on our way back to the hut, but for some reason I pulled my hand away from him, worried that someone would disapprove.

Anakin frowned at my distance from him, but again kept quiet until we reached our hut.

As soon as the door closed he rounded on me. "What's going on?" he asked worriedly.

"Nothing, it's just that I found out that the people are judging us. It's like scandalous here or something to live with someone you aren't married too. They also disapprove of our getaways." I said uncomfortably.

"So, what are you saying?" Anakin asked slowly.

"I don't know! Is it bad that I don't want to be frowned upon by the town?" I groaned in frustration and sat down on a chair.

"What do you want us to do then? What would make you happy?" Anakin said caressing my face gently.

"I don't know." I sighed, annoyed with myself. I was so confused by everything. I was feeling so many feelings.

"Marry me." Anakin whispered and I looked up at him in surprise.

"Marry you? Anakin, we just got together!" my heart had stopped at his words.

"Does it matter? We both know that we're the only ones for each other. The villagers wouldn't disapprove of us anymore, and we would officially belong to each other." Anakin said.

I couldn't believe what he was suggesting. Married? Already? If I thought we were moving fast before, now I definitely did. We couldn't get married, could we?

I thought about Attack of the Clones and Anakin and Padme's marriage. I guess they had gotten married quickly too, though I never did understand why. Why did they get married?

Anakin was watching my expression, trying to read my feelings.

"I don't know Anakin. This is all happening so quickly." I stammered, overwhelmed.

"It's up to you, but I know that you're the only one for me. I would have married you months ago." he told me.

Maybe I was stupid or naive but I was letting his and Ilara's words get to me. They were right. I knew Anakin would be the only one for me. What was the point of waiting? We were also stuck on this planet for who knows how long. Why not get married?

Anakin felt the shift in my emotions and smiled. "Marry me." he said softly and kissed me.

"Okay." I whispered nervously. I hoped I wouldn't regret this.

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