Chapter 6.

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     I went to my room that I was sharing with Padmé after my talk with Qui Gon. I got into my covers on the floor and laid quietly for awhile. I heard Padmé tossing and turning and knew she was having trouble sleeping. I turned towards her. "Everything will be okay." I told her quietly. "I hope so." She said. "Your people will be alright your highness." I said slowly. There was an intense quietness between us for a few seconds. "Um, what do you mean?" She asked. "Padmé, I know your secret and everything will be okay." I said. Padmé sat up. "What are you talking about? Who are you?" She demanded. I sat up. "I know that I'm going to sound crazy, but I have something to tell you." I said carefully.
      I began to tell her everything I told Qui Gon. It took a bit more for me to convince her that I was in fact serious and telling her the truth. She said she was going to speak with Qui Gon in the morning, but she would think about all I had said. "So do you know what happens in the future? Will the people of Naboo be okay?" She asked. "I don't think it would be a very good idea to tell you of the future yet because things might get changed up and not go according to the movie and I wouldn't know what would happen." I said. Padmé looked at me disappointed, but eventually nodded slowly.
       We laid back down and didn't say much after that. I began thinking about what will happen in the future, something I had been thinking about since I first arrived. I still wasn't sure what to do. Obviously I couldn't just let the future happen like it did in the movie. I had grown very close to the Skywalkers since my arrival and I just couldn't let Anakin turn into Darth Vader. But I didn't know how I could help everything. I'd have to expose Palpatine at some point, but I'd have to wait for a good time. I wanted Anakin to become a Jedi. I could make sure he wouldn't turn to the dark side somehow.
      The next day I woke up super early to say goodbye to Anakin before he left for Watto's and I spoke to Qui Gon again, explaining everything about Watto and what he should say. Before he also left for Watto's I stopped him. "May the force be with you Master Qui Gon." He smiled and nodded.
     The rest of us got Anakin's podracer ready for the big race. Both Anakin and Qui Gon came back and Anakin added a few finishing touches on his racer before hooking it up to be taken to the track. We all arrived at the racetrack and helped Anakin get set up. Before we were leaving to find a seat, I gave Anakin a hug. "Have faith and trust in the force. I believe in you Anakin Skywalker." I kissed his cheek and gave him a reassuring smile. "I won't fail you." He said solemnly. "Just be yourself Anakin." I hugged him one last time before heading out. We all got to our seats. I was nervous. What if things didn't end up like in the movie? What if he failed? No. I couldn't think like that. I believed Anakin could do it. He is an amazing person. I took a deep breath and patted Artoo's top. "Can you see buddy?" I asked. The others looked at me a little strangely, but I didn't care. I loved Artoo. He beeped happily and I smiled at him.
    The race was starting. We all looked anxiously out at all of the racers. I saw Anakin and said a quick prayer. I had forgotten about Sebulba messing with Anakin's racer! I hoped everything would still go well though. When Anakin's pod stalled, the others looked at me worriedly. "Have faith in him. It'll be alright." I assured them, trying to appear calm. I was freaking out. The racetrack was huge! It was hard to believe I was actually watching this famous podrace in real life. It was over my head. I had been here for quite awhile and still couldn't get over the fact that I was in the Star Wars universe! We watched the race and I'm sure there were several to!es where all of our hearts stopped. Towards the finish I could barely breathe. Excitement and worry were making my stomach hurt. I watched in horror when Sebulba's and Anakin's pods got stuck together. I closed my eyes and prayed. All of a sudden I heard a great cheer from the entire crowd and heard the announcers shout Anakin Skywalker's name. I opened my eyes and saw that he had won! I cheered loudly and jumped up and down. Shmi and I hugged tightly. Qui Gon, Padmé and Jar jar cheered happily and artoo beeped excitedly. We ran down to Anakin and Qui Gon lifted him up. We all cheered and clapped and I felt so happy. When things calmed down I ran to Anakin and hugged him tightly and spun him around. "You did it Anakin! I knew you could! You were amazing!" He laughed. "I told you I wouldn't fail you." He said. "I never doubted you." I said hugging him again happily.
      Qui Gon Jinn collected his prize from Watto and took me with him to the ship, where Obi Wan was waiting. I couldn't help but smile when I saw him. Obi Wan Kenobi. Unsurprisingly looking exactly how he did in the movie.  Qui Gon introduced us, and told Obi Wan everything I had told him. Obi Wan didn't look too convinced but didn't say anything. "Master Qui Gon, may I speak to Obi Wan alone?" I asked the Jedi Master. He nodded to Obi Wan, and he followed me out of the ship. "Obi Wan, look after Anakin. Keep him away from Palpatine." I said in a low voice. "What? I don't understand." He said looking at me bewildered. "You will. Also, if you could, send a ship back here in a couple of years." "Why are you telling me this?" He asked. "Just in case. Obi Wan, I trust you." I said and started to walk away. "I'm ready to go back now." I told Qui Gon. Before we left to go back Padmé came rushing out of the ship. "Wait! Before you go I want to give you something." She said. "Come out Artoo. I want you to have him." Tears started forming in my eyes. I ran over to her and hugged her. "Thank you so much. I would've given anything for him, but I can't take him right now. He will come in handy to you soon." I said. "If you wanna send him over in a couple of months though I'd be fine with that." I joked. "I'll make sure to do that if Naboo will ever be saved." She said sadly. "Don't worry. Just remember your people and all of Naboo. You will find your answer soon. Oh that reminds me, do not trust Palpatine. He is not what he seems. Please trust me. Do not listen to him, no matter how true his words may seem. I know that the chancellor isn't helping, but you must trust in yourself and your people. Please trust me." Padmé nodded and looked troubled, and in deep thought. I gave her a reassuring hug, and a sympathetic look. I waved goodbye to everyone as Qui Gon and I left to go back to Shmi and Anakin.
   As Qui Gon and I were walking back to Mos Espa we talked. "I won't be able to tell you what's up ahead. You must find out on your own and take your own actions as I will. I have no idea what's in store for me but I'm prepared to face it. I don't know if I'll ever see you again, so I just want to say goodbye and I'm glad to have met you. You were always my favorite character." I laughed. Qui Gon smiled. "I'm glad to have met you too. You seem very wise for someone so young a person. I believe you will live well." "Thank you Master Qui Gon. All I can say is be careful. Very careful. There will always be many dangers up ahead. May the force be with you." I said. "May the force be with you too."
    We reached Anakin's house and Qui Gon told Anakin that he was no longer a slave. When Anakin asked about his mom, I stepped in. "She'll be here with me. I'm going to be staying with your mother." Anakin and Shmi both looked at me surprised. "You're not going with them?" Shmi asked. "I've decided to stay here with you for awhile if that's okay?" "You're going to take care of my mom?" Anakin asked. I smiled at him. "I'll do the best I can. We'll take care of each other."
     As Anakin left to pack I turned to Shmi. "It will be alright. Anakin will be trained as a Jedi. There is no one I trust more than them. He will learn to use his powers and fight for good, protecting the galaxy from evil. You'll be alright too. Trust me, I know you will. We will." Shmi managed a small smile but I could see she was trying to hold back tears. "You'll see him again. I promise." Soon Anakin was ready and we said our goodbyes. When it was my turn he hugged me and placed something in my hand. It was the japor snippet he gave to Padmé in the movie. I was a little confused at first, but he probably had another one for her. He told me about it and all I could do was smile. "I'll never forget you." He said sadly. "I certainly will never forget you Anakin Skywalker. You forgot how to teach me how to podrace." I said with a laugh. He laughed too and we hugged one last time. I waved with Shmi as the young boy and the Jedi Master walked away. "May the force be with you." I whispered.

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