Chapter 17.

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   The days were long and usually boring while I was staying at the Temple. The only company I had was Artoo and Obi Wan who gave me my meals and looked after me. He sometimes brought me some books to read about the Jedi history. While I greatly appreciated that, Jedi history could sometimes get pretty boring. When Obi Wan had time, he'd sometimes talk about it with me.
    Obi Wan and I became sort of friends while I was staying there.
    One day while I was just laying on my cot thinking, my thoughts wandered to Qui Gon and how nice he was to me. I felt a wave of sadness and started to cry.
    Suddenly the door slid open. Obi Wan came in and looked at me in concern. "Is everything alright?" He asked quickly. I sat up and hastily brushed away my tears. "Yes." I started to say but the truth slipped out of my mouth. "Actually no. It's all my fault. Qui Gon wouldn't have died if I had just told him. I'm so sorry Obi Wan. I know you must hate me for letting it happen. I hate myself for it. Believe me, not a day goes by where I don't regret it. I could've saved him, but I didn't." I sobbed.
     Obi Wan day next to me and put his hand on my shoulder. "It isn't your fault, and I don't hate you. Even if you had told him, that doesn't mean that things would've been different. Master Qui Gon was an honorable Jedi. He knew what he was doing. You did what you thought you had to do. Regretting the past will get you no where. All you will feel is bitterness and sadness. The best thing to do is to accept what happened. It happened for a reason. It's not as if you wanted him to die. Do not think it's your fault, dear." Obi Wan said. I rubbed my eyes and then hugged him tightly. Obi Wan awkwardly patted my back.
    I sat up and blushed in embarrassment. I took a deep breath and tried to smile. "Sorry." I sniffled.
     "I brought you another book." Obi Wan said awkwardly as he handed the book to me. "This one is about different languages. It teaches you the basics." "Thank you Obi Wan. I really appreciate it." I said. "You're welcome. I can see there isn't much to do here. Unfortunately there is little more I can bring you." He said apologetically. "Books are great. I'm getting better at reading and I'm learning new things, so I'm good." I said.
    "Any news on the investigation?" I asked. Obi Wan shook his head. "Not yet, but we have a feeling we're close. We've been watching him closely for over a month."
      "How's Anakin?" "He's fine. He has much enthusiasm and he's learning very quickly, but he had become very full of himself, and he's overconfident. He thinks he can take on everything even though he's so far from ready." "Does he listen to you?" "Most of the time yes, but sometimes he thinks he knows better than me." Obi Wan said with a sigh. "I know you're a great master. You two will become very good friends. Without you, he wouldn't even be here right now. He's very thankful to have you." I said. "He's a good boy. Sometimes I feel as though I wasn't quite ready for a padawan of my own. Perhaps I'm not the best master for him." Obi Wan said. "I believe you're the best master anyone could have. You are wise, patient, powerful. No one could ask for a better Jedi. I don't know too much about you, Obi Wan. To be honest I trust you over any other Jedi. The Jedi are blessed to have you." I said truthfully. Obi Wan gave me a small smile.
      "You are very kind Ivy. I only hope someday I can live up to your expectations." Obi Wan said.
     "I'm afraid I must go now. I've stayed longer than I should have. I shall see you later." Obi Wan said standing up. He bowed and then exited.
      Obi Wan and I became close friends throughout the time I was there.

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