Chapter 70.

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As we left the Chamber to go and wait for the votes to be confirmed we were bombarded by so many people.

I was not used to it, but apparently Padme was. I thought they were angry at first, but they were cheering. Padme smiled at them graciously as we were escorted by guards to her private Senate Chamber.

Once we were inside I hugged her excitedly. "I think you did it!" I squealed jumping up and down.

"If the voting goes through, it will be because of the both of us. You were a tremendous help and I want the Republic to recognize that." Padme said and I took a step back.

"I don't want to be recognized. Not by the Republic. I only wanted to help just to help. It's probably better no one knows who I am." I said quietly.

"Oh right, I'd almost forgotten. You're not from here. Wait, so do you know how this war ends?" she asked suddenly.

"No. Things have changed too much for me to have any idea how this war will play out. Our biggest threat is out of the mix though." I told her.

"Palpatine." she nodded.

Just then the guards let through a group of people into the room. The Jedi walked through and I wanted to run into Anakin's arms, but was only able to give him a bright smile which he returned.

"Congratulations Senator, and you too Ivy on your speech. I have a feeling that the Republic will finally listen to what you've been trying to say." Mace Windu said and bowed his head at us.

"I appreciate that Master Jedi. I just hope that this will really change things. The Republic could be so great if we all worked together and looked out for one another." Padme said.

A couple more people came in and my heart skipped when I recognized them.

"Bail! Mon!" Padme rushed to them excitedly.

"Padme that speech was incredible. I know you've been working very hard on this. Congratulations." Bail said taking her hands in his.

"Don't congratulate me yet, besides, not all the credit goes to me. My dear friend Ivy helped so much. She was able to actually go to one of the systems that left and learned about what they were dealing with." Padme led Bail over to me and I smiled brightly.

"Ivy, I've heard a lot about you from Padme. We're happy to have another ally." Bail said shaking my hand.

"I'm just doing what I believe is right. Padme is being modest though. She did ninety percent of the work. I could have never delivered a speech like that." I said truthfully and Padme smiled at me.

"I think you probably could have done better than me." she said kindly and I shook my head.

"Bail Organa, it is nice to finally meet you. I've heard a lot of good things about you, and I know that you and Padme are good friends. You as well Mon Mothma." I said smiling at the two of them.

We talked for a few minutes when I noticed that Anakin was in the corner of the room watching me with a smile, Ahsoka by his side. I excused myself and went over to him.

"Well?" I asked nervously.

"That was a great speech. The Republic would be an even bigger group of fools than I thought if they don't listen." Anakin said patting my arm lovingly. I supposed that was the closest thing he could do for a hug.

"Senator Amidala is incredible to watch. If she can't persuade them, no one can." Ahsoka piped up.

"I wish people could know that the Jedi are one of the main reasons this even happened. Without your help I never would have been able to find out what I did. Everyone helped tremendously." I said.

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