Chapter 39.

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The next day, Anakin did exactly what he told me he was going to do.

He had sharpened a bunch of sticks into spears and made a couple of slingshots, even though he said the slingshots were more for a distraction than a weapon.

He had called all of the people together so that he could teach them how to use the spears to defend themselves against the Bagir Monva or any other threat.

He had barely started when Bona Droon ran out demanding that he stop.

"These people need to learn how to defend themselves." Anakin told him angrily.

"No! We are peaceful! No weapons!" Bona said.

"So you're just going to let your people die, without even a chance?"

"If it their time, yes." the old man said.

"That's wrong. I can't believe you're not even going to let them try."

"These my people. Listen to me." Bona reminded Anakin angrily.

Anakin shook his head and stormed off. Bona had all of the sticks collected and burned.

I had to admit I was on Anakin's side on this. It was stupid that they didn't even get to try to defend themselves. What was the harm?

After all of that, Anakin worked harder than ever, trying to make something of use out of the ship's parts.

He was angry at Bona and rightfully so. Carto didn't make it and that angered Anakin. He was doing good at staying out of the way though, until about a week later when a child went missing from their bed at night. Their remains weren't far from the village. At that point, Anakin lost it.

I found him packed up, sharpening a couple sticks.

"What are you doing?" I asked him worriedly, picking up his bag in confusion.

"What does it look like? I'm going after that thing, since no one else will." he grumbled angrily.

"Anakin, you promised-"

"I don't care what I promised! Bona isn't looking out for his people! A child just died and they're acting as if they can't do anything about it, but they can! He won't let them!" Anakin cried.

"You could get hurt, or killed! Anakin I can't- I can't lose you too." I whispered, a tear falling from my eye.

Anakin walked over and hugged me. "I have to do something. It's who I am. I am still a Jedi. It's my responsibility to help people." he said quietly.

He was right, even though I didn't want him to be. He needed to do this. This was what he was meant to do.

"Let me go with you." I said and he shook his head.

"No. It's too dangerous. I'm not going to let you get hurt. I would never forgive myself if something happened to you."

"I don't want you to go alone." I pleaded with him.

"Ivy, I have to do this." he looked into my eyes sadly and retrieved his bag from my hands.

"Be careful, and please come back to me." I said hugging him tightly.

"I will." he said before leaving.

Once he left, it felt like there was a gaping hole in my heart. I tried not to worry too much, but I couldn't help it.

I wouldn't know what to do if he never came back. He meant everything to me. I realized that now. I didn't want to live without him, regardless of what that meant. Maybe I was being selfish, but right now I didn't care. I wanted him to come back to me and stay with me forever. I wanted him to know how much I really did care about him. How much I loved him.

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