Chapter 73.

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When I woke up I was bound and gagged, tied up to some pole. My eyesight was blurry as I tried to look around. I wondered where I was before remembering what had happened.

I called out in horror and tried to tug myself free to no use. I noticed the Padme was tied to the same pole as me, but she was still unconscious.

I looked around trying to figure out where we were. I didn't recognize this place but from the rocky white walls, it seemed like we were still on Servis.

There were boxes and crates around us and it almost seemed like we were in some kind of storage room. A low light dimly illuminated the room. Padme began to stir and I tried to nudge her with my feet.

She opened her eyes groggily and she squinted in pain. I didn't realize before but she had a nasty bruise on her head. She looked over at me wide-eyed.

I had never felt so helpless in my life. This was much much worse than being trapped on a planet with no way off.

Was someone coming back to get us? Were we left here to sit and rot? My mind wandered through a million different scenarios but I knew only one thing. I was probably going to die.

I wanted to cry, but I knew that wouldn't help in any way so I tried my best to think of something I could do. I noticed Padme was already trying to get the gag out of her mouth by using her shoulders and arms to push it. I tried doing the same.

She eventually got out of hers and turned towards me to try and help. When both of ours were off she looked around.

"I wonder where we are." she said trying to peer through the dim light.

"I was thinking some storage room?" I said looking around.

"What happened?" I asked her. I wasn't used to this kind of thing at all. I knew in the Clone Wars that Padme had gotten herself into quite a few predicaments, so she might know how to handle this better than me.

"Someone must not want us going to that meeting." she said gravely.

"Do you think Servis is behind this, or the Seperatists?" I asked.

"I don't know, but I have a feeling we'll know soon enough." she said looking behind me intensely.

I struggled to turn around and heard some footsteps coming towards us. A woman and some magnaguards came to a stop in front of us. The woman looked very familiar and I soon realized that it was Paula!

"Well, you're awake." she said crossing her arms.

"What does Servis want with us?" Padme demanded turning towards Paula.

"Servis doesn't want anything with you." Paula laughed. "Count Dooku however does not want you trying to convince his systems to leave him."

"You're a seperatist?" I asked in surprise.

"For someone who was able to get hundreds of systems together for a talk, you're not really bright." Paula turned to me.

"What do you plan on doing with us?" Padme asked angrily.

"I'll do whatever I damn please. I know the Count will be very delighted to see that I have captured the inspiring senator and her partner." Paula said.

"Does president Hantyr know that you're working for Dooku?" Padme asked.

"President Hantyr is a fool. You have no idea how easy it was to convince her to let you come here. She might have joined the Republic herself if she went to your little meeting." Paula sneered.

"The Republic will know we're missing. They'll know exactly who was behind our disappearance." Padme said.

"Oh will they? When you go missing on Servis grounds where all of the clues that any person of the Republic will find will all point to president Hantyr?" Paula smiled wickedly.

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