Chapter 74.

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I felt like I was starting to go delirious from hunger. Padme and I tried to pass the time telling stories about our lives. I was thankful I wasn't alone, but I was starting to become extremely weak. My whole body was numb from sitting for weeks. Everything constantly hurt.

I had just started to doze off when I heard a familiar low humming sound. I was confused at first but then figured I was probably just going crazy. I was so tired. I couldn't open my eyes even if I wanted to. I wondered if this might be the end. Would I wake up? I heard someone calling my name. I must already be dreaming. It sounded like Anakin. Sweet Anakin. My heart ached for him. He didn't deserve the pain he would get.

Suddenly I felt myself falling. Were my wrists so small now that they had fallen out of the cuffs? I wanted to look but my body told me I was still dreaming. It wasn't until I felt a warm hand on my face that I was able to even open my eyes a little.

A dark figure was leaning over me. I couldn't see their face because the light was behind them, but it almost looked like Anakin. That's it. I really was dreaming.

"Ivy? Ivy! Ivy come on baby wake up." a familiar voice pleaded gently.

My eyes narrowed. This couldn't be real, could it?

"Anakin?" I asked weakly trying to reach up to him but my arms gave out halfway.

"I'm here my love. I'm here." he grabbed my hand and kissed it. I could feel his cheek was wet. Was he crying?

I heard people running into the room and Anakin gently set my hand down.

"Over here!" he called out.

"Over in the corner!" I heard a voice call out. It was a clone's voice.

I forced myself out of the daze I was in and focused on Anakin. "Anakin?" I asked more alertly and saw that he really was there. I wasn't dreaming. I couldn't believe it. I found strength to push myself up.

"Hey, hey take it easy. I'll take care of you." Anakin said and gently picked me up in his arms.

"Where's Padme?" I asked suddenly remembering her.

"I'm here." I heard her voice close by. "I guess he came after all." she joked weakly.

I smiled. He had come. We were saved.

"Who did this to you?" Anakin asked searching my face. He had a pained expression.

"The lady. Paula or something like that. The president's lady thing." I said weakly. It was hard to focus on anything or remember anything.

Anakin got a dark look on his face. "Why?"

"She was going to give us over to Count Dooku once she became president." Padme said. She sounded much stronger and more with it than I was.

"She's dead." Anakin said determinedly.

"Anakin no. Just get us out of here. Please take me home." I begged him.

He looked down at me torn. I could tell he wanted to go after her and kill her, but he also wanted to stay with me.

"Okay. Let's go home. Rex, follow me. You're in charge of making sure senator Amidala gets out of here unharmed, got that?" Anakin said.

"Yes sir!" came the voice of Rex.

I wanted to look over and see him. I hadn't met him yet, but I could barely move my head.

"Is that Rex?" I asked Anakin excitedly.

He looked at me in amusement. "Yeah, he's here. I'll introduce you guys once you're all better, okay?"

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