Chapter 1.

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      I was just taking a walk, trying to get away for a little while.

    I wanted something new. I wanted to go somewhere far away and be free of everything for awhile.

      I wasn't paying attention and accidentally tripped over a root. I turned to look at the odd shaped tree, and noticed a small hole in the side of it. I walked over and peered through.

     Soon everything when black for a few seconds. All of a sudden a bright light hit my eyes and I felt myself falling.
     I screamed as I was plummeting to the ground. I landed with a thud on what felt like sand. Odd- since there is no sand where I'm from.

    I peered through my fingers, the harsh sun burning my eyes. It looked as if I was in some sort of desert.

     I stood up and brushed myself off. My eyes were starting to get used to the light. I thought I saw a town up ahead. I didn't know where I was, but I didn't want to stay out here in the hot sand. Maybe someone could tell me where I was.
    I slowly trudged over to the town. As I got closer I noticed that the buildings were odd shaped, and looked very familiar. I couldn't put my finger on it.

     As I walked into the town I noticed it was very quiet and empty. That's when I also noticed a giant sand storm coming this way.

    I rushed to the nearest door and knocked urgently. There was no answer. I looked for a doorbell and found a small button. I pushed it and the door opened automatically. I quickly stepped inside and closed the door behind me.

     I turned to look at the surroundings I was in. I was in a dimly lit store or something.

    There was a lot of scrap metal lying about, and weird broken down robots.

     I was wondering where on Earth I could be, when a small cough caused me to jump and search for the person. I saw a little boy sitting on the floor fiddling with something.

     My eyes narrowed and then widened when I saw what he looked like. It couldn't be......    

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