Chapter 28.

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  The next morning I woke up and hastily tried to put back on my dress, but it was proving more difficult than it has seemed before. I couldn't get it zipped up in the back with my puffy, but tight sleeves that couldn't reach that far. I didn't want to accidentally rip the dress, but I wasn't sure what I should do. Suddenly I heard a knock on the door. I froze and spun around facing the door so they wouldn't see my bare back.

"Who is it?" I called tentatively.

"It's Obi Wan Kenobi. Are you finished getting ready?" Obi Wan asked.

"No actually. I tried but I- I just can't zip up this dress." I said embarrassingly. "I know this might seem awkward, but could you maybe help me?" I asked cracking the door open.

"Um, of course." Obi Wan stammered coming inside.

"I'm sorry. I hate to ask, but I'll probably be here for hours if I didn't have any help." I apologized. I knew my face was probably flushed pink.

I turned around and Obi Wan quickly zipped up the dress.

"Thanks." I said immediately putting my hair up and putting the headdress on.

"What do you think of the outfit?" I say trying to make everything less uncomfortable.

"It's a good disguise."

"You should see when I put on the makeup. Have you seen Anakin's?" I asked.

He laughed. "Yes, I could hardly tell it was him."

"You are coming with us right? Are you going to wear a disguise as well?" I asked as I started to apply the makeup.

"No. I will be going with you, however I'll not be wearing a disguise. No one is to know that I'll be there. I'll be hidden at all times." He said.

I nodded in understanding. "So, I'm guessing more studying today?"

"Yes, the council wants you to have everything memorized by the time you leave, which is in four days. I know you are not used to this sort of thing, and it might be overwhelming, but just stay calm. I have great faith in you. And don't worry, Anakin will be by your side at all times, I'll make sure of that." Obi Wan said seriously.

"I know I don't really have anything to worry about, but I can't get rid of this nervous feeling." I said.

"It's alright to be nervous. Even I get nervous. In fact, I'm nervous about this mission and what will happen if we find what we're looking for. This could mean war and the republic is not prepared for that."

"That is what the clones were for. I don't like the idea of war any more than you do, but if it does happen we'll have no other choice than to use them and that gets me worried. If someone tampers with the cloning facility and adds a new order, one that kills Jedi, the republic will be doomed." I said worriedly, trying to hold back tears.

"I understand you know about this more than anyone. It probably scares you knowing the possibility of an outcome that may or may not happen. You have enormous pressure on you and quite honestly I'm surprised that you're holding on this well. You are a very strong woman Ivy, and we are glad to have you on our side. The Jedi trust in you and I believe we are wise in doing so. Do not worry too much on the future you know. Everything might be completely different." Obi Wan said.

"I hope it is changed. In a good way. I couldn't bear to lose all of you." I said quietly as a tear dripped down my cheek.

"I assure you we are being very cautious. We've kept a close eye on the Kaminoans and their cloning facility." Obi Wan told me.

I had finished my makeup and turned toward him, forcing a smile. "How do I look?" I say, trying to change the depressing subject.

"No one would recognize you."

"Not that they would anyways. I'm not that important."

"You are extremely important, but you wouldn't want them knowing who you were afterwards, would you? Besides, the disguise is mainly so you look like a Buan."

I nodded and looked at him. "It's nice to talk to you again Obi Wan. It seems as though it's been forever since we've actually had a conversation."

"It has been. It's hard to believe that it was almost seven years ago when you were hidden here while we went to capture Darth Sidious."

"I still can't believe any of this is even happening. Sometimes I feel like I'm in some sort of coma on Earth and I'm just making all of this up."

"That is something I know nothing of. Believe me, if the Order could help you get back to your planet we would, but your earth is in an entire different galaxy." Obi Wan said.

"I know. I'm thankful for the people I've met here. It makes it easier to be away from my home. I do miss my family terribly though." I sighed deeply and gave a dry laugh. "This is a great way to start the day, isn't it?"

Obi Wan smiled sympathetically. "I'm sorry for being the downer on everything." He said jokingly.

"Oh it's not you, just the subject. I like talking to you Obi Wan. You are so wise. I feel like I learn a lot from you." I said.

Obi Wan laughed. "Well, at least there's someone who listens to me." he joked, most likely referring to Anakin.

"Anakin doesn't realize how much good it would do him." I said. "I would love to be a Jedi, but unfortunately I lack the midichlorians."

"Well, you may not be a Jedi, but you'll always be a good friend to us." he said kindly.

"That's close enough I guess. When I was little, I used to dream about being a Jedi. I admired so many Jedi here."

"Really? Anyone in particular you admired most?"

"There are so many amazing characters, but I'd have to say Qui Gon. When I watched these movies when I was little I always thought of him as a father figure. I love my dad, but if I were ever to choose a second one, I had always wanted it to be him. He always seemed so nice." I said, my voice got quieter as I remembered the Jedi I had met briefly.

"He was very kind, and a very good master. I would not be where I am were it not for him. I regret that I was not able to finish my training but that is not anyone's fault. We will always miss him, but perhaps it was meant to be." Trying to hide the sadness in his voice.

"Obi Wan, have you maybe heard Qui Gon speaking to you? His voice inside your mind? Anything?" I asked slowly.

"I'm not sure what you mean."

"Like a conscience, but his voice guiding you?"

"Sometimes I suppose. Why?"

"In the clone wars series, Qui Gon tried to contact Yoda through the force. I can't entirely remember what it was about but Qui Gon told Yoda to go to Dagobah. The force is very strong there.  It's been so long since I watched it, but Yoda could finally hear Qui Gon speak to him, and Qui Gon told him to go somewhere where there were these Force Priestesses I think, who made Yoda go through these trials and if he completed them, which he did, he would be taught how to commune with the force I think, and come back through the force when he died. He'd become a force ghost. Yoda teaches a select few how to learn it too."

"This is all a bit over my head, but only a select few?"

"I'm not sure. I know that you were one." I said.

"I will tell the council after our mission. Right now you must go and keep learning. You must be able to remember everything. I'm afraid I've already held you up for too long. You should be getting to your lessons." Obi Wan said.

Just then the door opened and Anakin appeared in his costume. "Master, I thought you would have been back by now. What have you been doing?" Anakin asked. His jaw was clenched and eyes narrowed.

Obi Wan looked at him apologetically. "Forgive us Anakin. We got to talking and were distracted. We were honestly just about to leave."

I smiled brightly at Anakin and walked over to him. "So are we just memorizing more books or...?" I asked Anakin. He gave me a small smile and we left to go to our lessons.

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