Chapter 81.

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"Wait, so you're telling me that this whole time, Anakin was the the one that destroys the Jedi?" Obi Wan said kneeling down next to me.

"Yes, but only because he was tricked. Palpatine fed him lies and different things led to him to turn to the dark side." I explained.

"This is almost too much for me to believe. Anakin?" Obi Wan ran a hand through his hair.

"I did everything I could to stop it from happening. I'm so scared Obi Wan. What is he going to do? He doesn't trust me anymore. He thinks that everyone has betrayed him! I'm so worried." I said.

"Well, the good news is, he doesn't have the Clone army on his side, the bad news is, Count Dooku will eagerly have Anakin join him, if that is what Anakin wishes."

"Do you think Anakin would do that? Join Count Dooku?" I asked in horror.

"I have no idea. He's hurting very badly right now. He's not in his right mind and he's scared. There's no saying what he'll do." Obi Wan said. "I'll keep an eye out for him at the temple." Obi started to stand.

"Obi Wan please. No one else can know this." I begged.

Obi Wan looked at me torn between duty and friendship. "Please. Not until we know for sure." I pleaded.

He nodded and then left, leaving me alone and scared.

I couldn't be alone. It would kill me, but I didn't want to leave in case Anakin returned.

I called Padme and was surprised she was able to answer. She looked at me in horror. "Ivy, what's wrong? Is this about Ahsoka?" she asked worriedly.

"No. I know this is a long shot, but can you come over? I need someone here with me." I sobbed.

"Yes. Of course. I'll be right over." Padme said and immediately got up to leave.

I held myself on the floor until she came. She rushed through the door followed by her guards and saw me crying on the floor.

"Please wait outside." Padme ordered and the guards went back to the hallway.

"Ivy, what happened?" Padme gathered me in her arms and set me on the couch before holding me tightly.

I couldn't talk I was crying so hard. "Who ever did this to you will pay. What's wrong?" Padme asked and stroked my hair.

"Something horrible happened." I managed to make out.

"What? What happened?" Padme asked.

"I don't even know where to start. It started with Ahsoka. She left the Jedi and it hurt Anakin who was already hurting because he was apparently having dreams of me dying and I found out I was pregnant but wasn't able to tell him but now Obi Wan knows but Anakin found out that he was supposed to turn to the dark side. Now he's gone and I don't know where he went and he thinks that I don't love him and thinks that everyone betrayed him and I just don't know what to do." My words spilled out of me so fast.

Padme looked at me confused. "Wait what? Hold on, let me get this straight. You're pregnant?!? And Anakin left you because he thinks he's going to turn to the dark side or something?"

"More or less." I cried into her shoulder.

"Oh Ivy, I'm so sorry. I don't even know what to say. Is there anything I can do?" Padme asked quietly.

"I don't know what there is to do. He left. I don't know where he is or if he's coming back." I said.

"If he truly loves you like we thought he did, he'll be back for you. Don't worry. Maybe he just needs some time. He's going through a lot with the Jedi and Ahsoka, this was probably his breaking point, but he'll be back. If he doesn't come back, then he's not half the man everyone thought he was." Padme said bitterly

She was right. He'd be back right? He always said I was his everything. He'd be back. I just had to wait. I could wait. It would kill me, but I could do it.

Padme stayed with me until I fell asleep. When I woke up in the morning, I was alone and in my bed. I looked at the mirror and saw that my eyes were swollen and puffy. I figured I shouldn't go to the temple today. That day turned into the next and the next and pretty soon I hadn't left my apartment in weeks.

Obi Wan would check in on me every few days, but never had any news. He told me that the Jedi just believe that Anakin went on a meditation retreat after what happened to Ahsoka.

Soon I started to feel numb. I found myself just going through the motions day by day. Nothing mattered. I jumped at the slightest of sounds, hoping it was him, but it never was.

I started eventually going to the Jedi Temple so that they wouldn't suspect anything, but I felt like a traitor to Anakin. Here I was with the Jedi again.

The days turned into weeks and the Jedi eventually were starting to wonder if Anakin was ever coming back. They had tried to send out a few Jedi to search for him, but they had no leads and never found anything.

I was starting to wonder what it would be like when the baby came. I would raise them alone. I would have help if and when I needed from my friends, but the baby would grow up without a father.

After about two weeks after Anakin had left, I was getting ready for bed when I heard a noise. I quickly walked out into the living room praying Anakin had returned, but saw nothing. I felt my heart break for the billionth time and turned back around to go to me room. I was met by someone throwing a dark bag over my head and tying something around me.

When I started to scream a hand clamped over my mouth. Who was this? I didn't have any enemies that I knew of. I felt myself grow faint. I was losing oxygen and then everything went black.

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