Chapter 8.

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      I made little small talk with the pilot, who said his name was Mandro Kanton. He was a human who was born and raised on Coruscant. He told me different facts about the planet- all which I listened to eagerly.
    It was mostly quiet for the long trip and I fell asleep several times, even though I was bursting with anxiety and excitement.
     Suddenly we came out of hyperspace and my eyes got huge.

   There was Coruscant. Huge and magnificent. I was so excited I could barely breathe.
    "Oh my gosh! There it is Artoo!" I whispered.
    I realised I didn't know one very important thing. "Um Mr. Kanton? Do you know who the chancellor is?" I asked. I hoped to God he wouldn't say Palpatine.
   "Of course. Why it's Chancellor Valorum." He said.
   I gave a deep sigh. Although I didn't know much about Valorum,  I hoped he was much better than Palpatine. I only hoped Palpatine wasn't using him.
    Soon we entered the gigantic city. It was all so amazing! Millions of buildings littered the planet. Thousands of ships were passing by, and then I saw it- The magnificent Jedi Temple. It was glorious. Standing out from everything else. It definitely showed power.

   Mandro pointed at it. "There's where we're headed miss. The Jedi Temple."

    I nodded and couldn't help but smile. I was in awe. I was seeing this with my own eyes. In person!
      We landed down on the platform and two people were there waiting for us.
   As we got out, I recognized Obi Wan Kenobi with his young padawan Anakin Skywalker. They greeted us with smiles.
   "We are very sorry it took so long to send you a ship. The council was unsure of what to do." Obi Wan explained.
   "It's quite alright Master Kenobi. Is Qui-" Obi Wan cut me off.
    "I'm very sorry to say but my master was killed on Naboo three years ago by a Sith Lord." He explained. "I defeated him after he killed my master but it is unknown whether the sith was the master or apprentice."
   "The apprentice." I blurted out. Anakin and Obi Wan looked at me in surprise.
    "You know who killed Qui Gon?"

   "Not personally, no, but in the story his name was Darth Maul. But if we could speak privately inside, that would probably be best. There could be spies anywhere. Even amongst the Jedi." I said quietly.
   Anakin and Obi Wan glanced at each other and then we started walking towards the council room. As we walked I looked at Anakin.

   "Anakin you've grown taller since I saw you last. You're almost as tall as me." He smiled.
   "Maybe you're just shrinking." He joked.
  Anakin had his hair cut short and now had a padawan braid. He was dressed in light-colored Jedi robes which seemed strange because in the movies he was always wearing darker colors. But this was well before the second movie. He was still a child. He was definitely more serious since the last time I met him. It was actually kind of cool seeing him and Obi Wan in this time because I had never seen them this age before. Obi Wan's hair had grown a little but he hadn't grown his beard yet. He was actually pretty handsome.
      We stopped at some large double doors. My heart began to pound. Obi Wan sensed my nervousness and placed a gentle hand on my shoulder.
  "It's alright." He gave me a reassuring smile.
   I tried to smile back but I was frozen. I prayed to the Lord to give me strength. I wanted a meeting with just Obi Wan, Yoda and Mace Windu. I didn't entirely trust anyone else, but I didn't know if the council would give me that choice. I took a deep breath and we were called in.
     Obi Wan and Anakin left me and I slowly made my way into the center of the room. I had never been so nervous or scared in my entire life. Here I was, surrounded by the Jedi. They were real. I was feeling sick. "The girl who can see the past, present and future, you are?" Yoda asked. I nodded, shivering. "How old are you child?" Mace Windu asked. "Eighteen." I said as strongly as I could muster. I swallowed and took a deep breath. "If you don't mind, may I speak to only Masters Yoda, Mace Windu and Obi Wan Kenobi? I mean no offence to the other Jedi, but I only greatly trust those three." I looked at my hands, expecting to be denied. The council looked at each other. "Very well, but after we're finished we can discuss with the council anything we choose." Said Mace Windu. "Very well. Is there any safe room we can go to where we will not be overheard? If the wrong person heard this, I could be in very big danger." I said thinking that if Palpatine knew I knew his secret, he'd stop at nothing to have me silenced. Yoda and Mace Windu looked at each other in silent agreement. "Very well. Follow me." Mace said. "Tell Obi Wan to come here." He told one of the other Jedi.
         When Obi Wan arrived we followed Mace to a small, quiet room far away from anything else. Once everyone was seated, and the door locked Mace Windu turned to me. "So what do we need to know? Before Qui Gon was killed he told us about you. About things that had happened and were yet to happen." "You said you knew who killed Qui Gon. Did you know he was going to die?" Obi Wan asked. "Unfortunately I knew that it was a possibility that he was going to die, but I didn't know how  to stop that at the time. If I had told him, Naboo might not have had their victory, and you would not be teaching Anakin. I didn't want it to happen, believe me, but I didn't know what to do. I was 15 years old, I had just come to this galaxy, and I just wanted to go along with the movie as best as I could. After they had left I realized that this might be my chance to help you the best I could, but what I tell you could alter the story so much that I wouldn't know what would happen next. I know who the Sith master is. Already so much has changed from the story though because Valorum is still chancellor. In the story we would've had a new chancellor by now, but Padmé must have taken my advice." I took a deep breath. I was about to reveal one of the biggest secrets ever. Whether they'd believe me or not, I wasn't sure. "Senator Palpatine from Naboo, that is if he is still senator, is the Sith master you've been searching for. He is the master."
      All three Jedi stared at me with shocked faces. "Senator Palpatine? You say that he is the Sith master?" Mace Windu said in surprise. "I'm positive. He would've been supreme Chancellor right now had things gone the way the story went. Now I'm not entirely sure when, or if this has happened yet, but Count Dooku is, or will be, or might be Palpatine's new apprentice. He was, in the story at least, but I don't exactly know when or why he became the Sith apprentice. I do know that Palpatine wants Anakin Skywalker. He knows that Anakin is the chosen one and he wants Anakin to turn to the dark side and join him, and if Anakin does not join, he wishes him dead. Anakin is extremely strong with the force. He is very powerful. It would be very bad to lose him to the dark side. Now you know why I asked you to keep Anakin away from Palpatine. Palpatine would try and manipulate Anakin into turning to the dark side, but now that you know about him we can stop him. I think there was one last thing I wanted to tell you. I believe that awhile ago a Jedi Master Sifo-Dyas found out about Palpatine's plot and went to Kamino and had the Kaminoans make a clone army for the Republic, but Count Dooku found out about it and killed him, so that none of the Jedi would find out. Palpatine wants to build a Galactic Empire and Rule the galaxy as emperor, but in order to do that he obviously has to get rid of the Jedi. What he wants to do, all of this by the way is according to the story, is have the Jedi spread across the galaxy. Count Dooku will be the leader of the Separatists under the command of Palpatine and they will be trying to get systems to leave the Republic. While Palpatine controls the Republic, they will use the clones made on Kamino to fight the Separatist's army of droids. The Chancellor will have full control of the clones. When all the Jedi are spread out fighting in the clone wars, Palpatine, were he Chancellor, would have all of the clones kill all of the Jedi. Palpatine would then claim that the Jedi were trying to overthrow the Republic. He then would announce that he would turn the Republic into the first Galactic Empire."
    Oops. I had explained almost the entire prequel trilogy. I hadn't meant to say so much. Now they're probably thinking they're all going to die. They were all looking at each other in bewilderment and concern.
   "If all of this is going to happen, then we better start doing something about it." Obi Wan said finally. "When would all of this happen?" Mace Windu asked. I thought about it. "About ten years, compared to the story, is when the Empire will be created. We have to stop that from happening. You have to be careful. Darth Sidious is extremely powerful. Do not underestimate him. In the story he took down four very powerful Jedi at once. He has spies everywhere. Even some Jedi might be on his side. That's why I only wanted to talk to you three. I only truly trust you." I said.     
      "Think very hard on this information, we must." Yoda said. "Thank you miss Ivy for telling us. If you would please stay around the temple while we discuss this. We might have a few questions when we're done." Said Mace Windu. "Of course. Would it be alright if I spoke with Anakin Skywalker?" I asked as I stood up to leave. "That's fine." Mace said. I bowed and then exited the room.

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