Chapter 9.

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    I had no idea where to find Anakin so I asked the first Jedi I saw. They told me to look in the Jedi chambers. I asked him where it was and he pointed me in the direction. I probably would've gotten lost fast if I hadn't have run into the very person I was looking to find.
    "Anakin! I've been looking for you. How are you?" I asked. "I'm fine. Obi Wan has been teaching me about the Force. I'm actually learning very fast. Master Kenobi is one of the best Jedi I've seen." Anakin said enthusiastically. "That's great. You will be a very good Jedi. Master Kenobi is one of the best Jedi there ever was." I said.
    "How's my mom? Is she alright?" Anakin asked quietly. "Your mom is fine. She misses and loves you. She's very proud of you and the path you took. She's also not a slave anymore. A man named Cliegg Lars fell in love with her. So I guess you technically have a stepfather, and a stepbrother named Owen. Owen is around your age. Shmi loves him like another son, but he'll never compare to you, Ani." I said putting a hand on his shoulder.
   "Is she happy there? With her new family?" Anakin asked. I nodded. "She loves you Ani, and don't think she doesn't miss you, but she wants you to be happy where you are. To stop worrying about her. You must stay focused on your Jedi training. Your mom is fine and happy, and she wants you to be too. Don't worry about her." I said softly.
I touched his padawan braid hanging over his shoulder. "You know I always wanted one of these. I've always thought they were really cool." I lightly tugged on it. Anakin smirked. "Bet you can't wait until your master cuts this off." I say. "Then I'll be a Jedi knight. How long do you think that will be until that happens?" Anakin asked. "I'm not sure. Obi Wan was like twenty six or something and he was still a padawan. He was still training until.... But if you're a good learner, your master might let you face the trials at a younger age than he was. You still have a lot to learn though. Trust Obi Wan. He knows what he is doing most of the time." I said seriously.
   Anakin smiled. "You look different." He said. I laughed. "A good or bad different? I've been working on a moisture farm on Tatooine for three years. I probably have a really bad tan." "You don't look bad, just different." He smiled. "Are you staying on Coruscant?" He added. "I want to. I saved up some money when I was on Tatooine. I'm looking to buy a place and hopefully find some work. Most jobs seem to be taken by droids though. I've always wanted to live on Coruscant. Coruscant or Naboo. Coruscant because it's where the Jedi temple and everything is, and Naboo because it's peaceful and beautiful." I said, thinking of the beautiful planet.
    "So have you seen trees, flowers and snow yet?" I asked with a smile. "No snow yet, but someday I will." Anakin said brightly. "Of course, but I must warn you that snow is very cold. You wouldn't want to spend too long in it." I said.
    We laughed and talked while he showed me around the Jedi temple. The temple was so big and magnificent. I couldn't believe how glorious it was. It was quite awhile before I was called back to the three Jedi masters.
   "It was great seeing you again Anakin." I said walking off. "You too. You're wearing the necklace I made." He said smiling. "Oh yeah. I've hardly taken it off. It is very beautiful. Thank you." I said. We both smiled and went our separate ways.
    When I got back to the secluded room the Jedi asked me all sorts of questions and I tried to answer the best I could without giving too much away. When they finished they all stood up. "Thank you for your time and everything. This is extremely important information you've given us. If all is as you say, then you have our undying respect and gratitude. We'll contact you if we need you." Said Mace Windu. "I would be honored to help the Jedi whenever they need me." I bowed. "In case we do need to contact you, where will you be staying? Are you still going to be living on Tatooine with Skywalker's mother?" Mace asked. "Actually I was going to maybe find a place here. I saved up quite a bit of money from when I was on Tatooine. I'm hoping to find a place and job, but I don't have much experience except for moisture farming." I laugh. "We will try to see you comfortable. If you need any help, don't be afraid to ask us." Mace bowed his head. I thanked the Jedi and made my way back to the hangar to find Artoo.
    When he saw me, he beeped happily, and I couldn't help but smile and give him a big hug. The pilot, Mandro Kanton, gave us an odd look but then shrugged. I didn't care if people thought I was weird. I loved Artoo and wanted him to know how special he was to me.
     "I'm at your service for transportation miss." Mandro said. "Where are we headed?" "Do you know how find a place for sale in Coruscant?" I asked. He smiled. "Well that all depends on where on Coruscant you want to live." "Do you know how much it costs to live on one of the higher levels? I'm not too wild about the undercity." I admitted. "Well I'm not sure, but I do know of a place that sells apartments all over Coruscant. Would you like to go there?" He offered. "Yes please." I said as I started climbing aboard. I took a last glance at the magnificent Jedi temple and then we were on our way.

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