Chapter 46.

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The next day was hard. We said goodbye to all of our friends, not knowing if we'd ever see them again.

Anakin had spoken to Karim and some others, asking if they wanted him to send some ships for them, and they were hesitant at first, but then said they would try. A lot of the villagers liked their quiet, cozy life, but some wanted to see more.

I remembered to grab the death star plans that had been collecting dust in a safe place I had found. These were going to be important.

It was hard leaving Ilara, but she gave me a tight hug and wished me luck. She also brought me some of her delicious bread for our journey. I remembered that she had expressed interest in leaving if we ever did, but she said she had changed her mind now and wanted to stay with Del. She did say that she might travel once they brought the other ships.

Anakin and I unfortunately had to try and explain to everyone that if for some reason it ever came up, no one was to know that we were married. It was forbidden for Anakin to fall in love. I wasn't sure if they understood what we were saying, but I hoped it just never got brought up.

We waved goodbye as we boarded the ship and then took off.

The ship was much bigger than was needed for two people. It was a transport ship. It must have been the one to bring all of those people to Korith Mazi all those years ago.

It was cold and I was glad that we had brought blankets. I sat in the copilot's seat and watched Anakin as he confidently worked the controls of the old ship. He never ceased to amaze me.

"How are you?" he asked taking my hand in his and squeezing it affectionately.

"Nervous." I replied shivering.

"Me too. I don't know what to expect. It's been almost five months. A lot has happened for us in that time, who knows what's happened everywhere else." Anakin said.

"I guess we'll see." I said nervously.

Once we got out of the atmosphere of the planet, Anakin set the coordinates for Coruscant. Thankfully there was enough fuel in the ship for a trip that far.

Soon we were in hyperspace. It had been so long since I'd been in a ship it made me feel nervous.

Anakin relaxed at the controls and turned to me. "So... Last night..." he started and looked at me suggestively.

I blushed deeply. "Yes?"

"That was hands down, the best night of my existence." Anakin said. His eyes seemed to be staring into my soul.

"Anakin..." I blushed embarrassed.

"I'm surprised you're not tired of saying my name, after screaming it all last night." Anakin smirked at me and my mouth open in shock.

I knew my face was bright red right now. "Anakin Skywalker!" I whispered angrily even though there was no one listening to our conversation.

"I'm just teasing. Sort of." he winked and I turned away from him trying to hide my hot face.

"You are ridiculous." I said.

"Ridiculously good at making love to you?" Anakin asked and I couldn't help but laugh.

"Oh my gosh, where is this coming from?" I asked shocked at his behavior.

"I have to get it all out before we get back." he shrugged and I shook my head at him.

"What am I going to do with you?"

"I mean, you could do whatever you wanted. We still have a few hours until we get there. I know a great way to kill time."

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