Chapter 66.

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We walked through the city and noticed Dreno soldiers taking things out of giant crates.

There was a line of people waiting to receive whatever was in them.

One by one the people went up and got a bag full of what seemed to be food and clothing.

"What's going on? Why are you all in line?" I asked the person at the end.

He looked at me tiredly. "We're getting our weekly rations provided by count Dooku."

"Weekly rations?" I asked curiously.

"Yeah, ever since the Republic has cut off trade to our planet we aren't able to get the things we need. Dooku is keeping us fed until he can open up the trades again." The man explained.

I glanced at Anakin in concern and his expression seemed troubled.

"Has Dooku asked for anything in return?" I asked.

"No." the man paused and turned to look at us suspiciously. "Who are you?"

"We're visiting from another planet. Just curious about what's going on. If you don't mind my asking, do you think it was a good idea for Dreno to leave the Republic?" I asked carefully.

"Best thing Dreno could have done. Sargull cares for us small planets like he cares about bantha fodder. I'm sure he hasn't lost a wink of sleep since we've left." the man crossed his arms angrily.

"What if Dooku uses your planet as a base for his army? He's been known to do that." I told him and he chuckled dryly.

"A small price to pay for real protection.  Dreno may be small, but that doesn't mean there aren't those who would like to see us crumble. We have few resources, but the ones we have are rare. There are many who would try to take us over." the man explained.

We had almost reached the front of the line now and the man gave us a polite nod and turned to the soldiers handing out the rations.

I thanked him for his time and Anakin and I walked off in search to find whatever else we could that would be helpful.

I wrote down everything I thought might be useful in a book I had brought with me. Anakin noticed and questioned it.

"I don't want to forget anything. I'm sure Padme will want to know everything I've learned as well. If I can find out enough information about why the systems are leaving the Republic and what they're receiving in return from Count Dooku, perhaps we can use it to figure out a way to help change the Republic for the better." I explained to him as I sat down on a bench to write.

"You've been spending a lot of time with her." Anakin said thoughtfully and I looked at him confused.

"Yes. She's my friend. I believe with her help the Republic can change for the better. She works so hard for everyone. I'll admit at first it felt a little awkward, because knowing that you and her- anyways it was weird, but now I don't even really think about that. She's a good person. I understand why you would've liked her." I admitted to him.

"Eh, I think I found someone better." Anakin shrugged.

I smiled and nudged him.

"You say that only because you haven't spent any time with her."

"No, I say it because it's the truth. The Jedi don't just trust anyone. If they trust you the way they do, I know you're something extremely special."

I shook my head and smiled. "You're going to give me a big head." I warned him.

"Well, I'll love you no matter what size your head is." he teased and leaned in to kiss me but caught himself. "Sorry."

"It's okay. I know. Hopefully soon." I said trying to look hopeful.

I knew we weren't going to have any private time to ourselves on this trip. I hoped these couple of weeks wouldn't drive me crazy with Anakin being so near.

"Alright. Let's go and see if we can find out any more details about them leaving the Republic." I said standing up and tucking my book away.

Anakin and I spoke with many different people all over the small city and almost everyone agreed that joining the seperatists and leaving the Republic was the best thing their system could have done. None of them had anything nice to say about the Republic.

I knew Anakin was starting to feel uncomfortable and frustrated. He was a firm believer in the Republic and disagreed when people thought differently. It was hard for him to hear all of the bad things that the people thought about the Republic.

There were a few that regretted leaving the Republic and expressed great fear against Dooku. They were worried that it was all a trap and that soon Dooku was going to take over them, due to their system being so weak. Sadly they didn't have any answers to what the Republic could do to help though.

The people controlling the Republic only care about the larger systems. A small system had no chance for even a prayer to help them against the seperatists.

I listened to everyone's story with great interest. I was happy to have accounts on both views of the war.

I knew I was going to work hard when I got home trying to get the smaller systems to join together and get the leaders to do something to protect them.

Even though the Garvin system was small, it still did it's contributions to Republic. They paid their dues, yet the Republic turned it's back on them. It's no wonder the systems were leaving.

As Anakin and I walked back to the palace as the sun was beginning to set, I turned to him nervously.

"So, what do you think? Has your opinion changed at all?" I asked him curiously. I had hoped this would open his eyes a little too see what was actually going on.

"I will admit I am a little surprised." Anakin said, not wanting to give away too much about what he was thinking.

"Surprised? About what?"

"Well, I just find it hard to believe that the Republic wouldn't do anything to help them. How is the Republic just okay with losing all of these systems?" Anakin wondered.

"I don't think they understand what an impact it will have on them. They think these systems are small and irrelevant in this war, yet this might very well be it's downfall. If enough systems leave, even if they are small, it could cause chaos. The separatists know what they're doing. They're a lot smarter than we think. They'll tear the Republic down one system at a time, starting with the small ones until eventually they grow larger and larger and soon take control of the Galaxy. We need to stop it before it gets worse." I explained and Anakin looked at me in surprise.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry I ever said anything that doubted you. I think you're right. What you're saying makes total sense. Have you talked to the Senate about this?" Anakin asked worriedly.

"Of course. Padme has tried over and over but no one wants to listen. Everyone only wants to talk about how big our army is. How we can fight the Seperatists. No one cares about some small planets leaving. Everyone is so focused on the now, but they're missing the bigger picture. We can't put a of our thought into battles. We need to think about all of our people. How are they faring in the war? Who needs help? And not just military help, but food and supplies? Seperatist ships are blockading some planets and won't allow and ships to enter or leave. There are people starving all over." I explain and Anakin listens quietly.

"I'm glad you're here. I'm glad I'm here too. I hope you and senator Amidala are able to do something about this. You know I'm always there for you if you ever need any help. I will do my best the keep the Seperatist army busy on the outside so that you can fix the Republic from the inside." Anakin said and paused, standing still for a moment.

I looked at him confused and stood still with him. "What's wrong?" I asked worriedly.

"I'm just astounded that I am the lucky man who gets to love you and have you love me in return. I really believe there's no other woman like you out there." Anakin said quietly.

I felt my eyes tear up a little and I gently squeezed his hand. "I love you Ani."

"I love you too. More than you'll ever know." Anakin said quietly as we resumed walking towards the palace."

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