Chapter 49.

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After a couple of days of getting used to the Coruscant schedule of morning and night I was all rested up.

I got into my speeder, nervous to fly it since it had been awhile, but it was as if I never left. I flew to the Jedi Temple and landed in the hangar.

Every time I was here my nerves started to act up and I started to shiver. The Jedi were everything to me, and I didn't want to mess up.

I walked through the halls and was thankful to run into Yoda and Mace Windu.

"Masters." I bowed respectfully and they nodded at me.

"I hope you're feeling rested and readjusting back to city life." Mace said.

"I am. It does feel good to be back." I admitted.

"Looking much better, you are, than when you arrived." Yoda said politely.

"Yes. My friend helped me get back to my usual self." I told them.

"Well, we're glad you came. Come with us." Mace Windu said and I followed them through the large halls.

They led me to a room with a large holotable in the center of the room.

"This is our situation room where you'll be most days." Mace Windu explained to me and I nodded.

Mace Windu walked over to the table and pressed a button. Blueprints for the death star pulled up and I looked at it nervously.

"We've been looking at these plans that you've found. The amount of power this thing would have if it was created would be unmatched." Mace said.

"I think we should just destroy the blueprints altogether. As secure as this temple is, there are instances where something is managed to be stolen. We cannot let anyone have this kind of power. Obviously I know the geonosians can just make up some more plans, but it will most likely take them awhile. Those plans should be destroyed." I told them my feelings on the matter, expecting them to disagree.

"I think you're right. These plans are too dangerous to keep around. Neither side should have something of that power." Mace Windu said.

"Studied the plans, we have. Destroy them, we will." Yoda said seriously.

"I feel like that's the best thing to do." I said.

Mace Windu removed the chip from the holotable and broke it in half before handing it to a droid and telling them to send it to get melted down.

He then turned to me again. "Now, there are a few things we want to go over today. After you escaped Geonosis, Dooku wasted no time in declaring way against the Republic. I think he knew his secret was up and he figured he needed to act now. Unfortunately he had quite a few systems join his movement. What did you learn while you were on Geonosis? We have spoken to Padawan Skywalker but want to make sure he didn't miss anything."

I searched my memory trying to remember what had happened months ago. I told him who all was there and what Dooku told me, as well as Dooku denying that he attacked Coruscant. The two Jedi Masters listened to me intently.

When I finished they stood in silence for a few moments.

"That matches up with Skywalker's story. I'm just confused as to why now? Why fight the Republic?" Mace Windu said.

"I think this was originally Darth Sidious' plans, but when he died Dooku took over and decided to do them on his own." I told them my theory.

"Sidious must have been planning this a long time. There's no way Dooku could have all of these systems on his side this quickly. I just wish we would have caught this earlier." Mace Windu said.

"Do you think Dooku was the one who attacked Coruscant?" I asked.

"Clouded our visions are of Dooku. Know not what he has done, or plans to do." Yoda said.

"It seems that he would, but until we have proof, I guess we can't put the blame on him." Mace said.

"But the buildings with the droids and the separatist ships? Count Dooku himself might not have issued an attack, but it definitely seems like a separatist was involved." I said referring to the attack on Coruscant a few months ago.

"It does appear to be a separatist behind it. We will do our best to keep eyes and ears everywhere. Our Jedi are being spread across the galaxy to help Republic systems safe from the Separatists. Their movement is going from system to system, trying to get them on their side, and if they refuse, they'll unleash an attack." Mace Windu explained showing an image on the holotable of a battle on some planet.

"Why fight immediately though? Have they even tried to negotiate with the Republic for better terms or whatever it is they want?" I asked.

"We have looked into that and only a few of the separatist systems have ever tried negotiating anything with the Republic. Dooku must be feeding them lies to try and win them over."

"What about Chancellor Sargull? What is he doing about all of this?" I asked.

"Once he found out about the clone army he jumped at it. It appears that he would rather fight than negotiate. Unfortunately he also blames the Jedi for keeping the army a secret. He said if we had told him sooner, they could have used them sooner and they would be a threat to all who oppose the Republic." Mace Windu said. There was a slight annoyance in his voice.

I wasn't impressed with the Chancellor either. I would much rather have Padme or Bail Organa in his place. I knew those two would actually try to end this war, not use our military as a way to show off power.

"I'm not sure what to do. Part of me doesn't want us to use the clone army. It could end up very bad for us, but another part doesn't want to have nothing and let the Separatists take over." I said defeatedly.

"I understand where you're coming from. I know you've told us in the past about this clone army-"

"And you remember that they're responsible for killing most of the Jedi? Obviously they were controlled, but is it worth the risk?" I asked worriedly, hardly aware that I had interrupted the Jedi Master.

"We are keeping a close eye on the clone facility on Kamino. I know after everything that's happened, you are probably thinking that that doesn't mean much, but we have sent Shaak Ti to overlook them. She won't miss anything." Mace Windu told me.

"She was there in the stories and they did it right under her nose. No offense to her, I know she's a great Jedi, but she didn't know what to look for. We need to make sure to watch every step of the birthing process, make sure they're not adding anything in and also watch for updates. The order that killed the Jedi came from an update. We already know that Darth Tyranus was involved in the creation of the clones. I'm sure Sidious had probably told him his plan about turning the clones against the Jedi." I said.

"We will tell her what to look for. She won't let us down." Mace Windu assured me.

"Of course." I said trying to calm my nerves.

"Worried you are for the Jedi. Appreciate your help we do, but fear can be overwhelming. Don't let it control you." Yoda said and I nodded.

"Yes master Yoda." I was reminded of what he told Anakin in Revenge of the Sith. Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, and hate leads to suffering...

"What would you like me to do every day?" I asked.

"We basically just want you to be around. We'll have questions that hopefully you can answer or at least give us your thoughts on issues. We do value your opinion on a lot. You've helped us a lot in the past. You're practically an honorary member of the Jedi Order. We'd feel much more comfortable in this war with you here." Mace Windu explained and I felt ridiculously happy. He called me an honorary member of the Order? They wanted me here? I could die of happiness.

"I'm at your service always masters." I bowed.

"We appreciate it. Now, we're fighting a battle on Ryloth, do you know anything about that?" Mace Windu asked pulling up another picture on the holotable.

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