Chapter 15.

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   I had a dream. I was at the Lars' farm. It was sunset and I could see the twin suns go down.
    I was staring at the sunset and turned to look at Luke Skywalker who was standing next to me. "Aunt Beru wants us inside. We'd better go or she'll get mad." Luke said in annoyance.
    I followed him into the small house where we met Beru and Owen. They looked the way they did in 'A New Hope'. "Yes, aunt Beru?" I said. "Good, you're in. I've been hearing a lot of rumors about sandpeople getting close by. I'd hate for anything to happen to you two. You both are always getting into trouble." Beru said putting her hands on her hips.
    Luke gave me a mischievous grin and I smiled back knowingly. "We're fine aunt Beru. We won't let any sandpeople come by us." I insisted.
     Beru laughed in exasperation. "You two are too much." She told us. She sent us off to bed, but once the house was dark and quiet, I snuck into Luke's room.
    "Psst Luke!" I whispered. "What is it?" He asked. "Wanna go see if we can find a real Tusken Raider?" I asked. "It's dangerous. If a Tusken Raider accidentally finds us first, we're goners. Not to mention if uncle Owen or aunt Beru catch us." Luke said. "Are you scared, Luke?" I said in a teasing voice. "I am not. I'm just saying." Luke insisted, hopping out of his bed quietly.
   We silently crept through the hallway. Luke and I grabbed flashlights before leaving the house.
    Luke and I slowly walked close to eachother. Our path was illuminated by the moon. We were nervous to use our flashlights. We didn't want anyone to know where we were.
    I saw a light up in the distance and pointed at it. "Look Luke! Do you think it's a Tusken Raider camp?" "It might be." Luke shivered.
    We slowly crawled closer to see if it was. Soon we were very close. It was indeed what we thought it was. A Tusken Raider camp.
    We saw some sitting by a large fire. Luke and I stared wide eyed at it all.
    I started to get scared, so I grabbed Luke's arm and started slowly moving back.
    Suddenly there was a noise behind us. Luke and I spun around and came face to face with an actual Tusken Raider. We did what anyone would do. We bolted. "Run, run run!" I shouted at Luke. The Tusken Raiders were following closely behind us.
    "We can't lead them back home." Luke told me. We had to keep on running.
     I woke up to Artoo whistling madly. I rubbed my eyes quickly and sat up. "What's wrong Artoo?" I asked worriedly. I heard the doorbell buzz.
    I got up quickly and went to the door cautiously. I wondered who it could be. I opened the door to find Obi Wan Kenobi standing outside.
    "Obi Wan! Please come in!" I said excitedly. He thanked me and stepped in. We sat on my couch and Obi Wan looked at me carefully.
     "Miss Ivy, please forgive me for coming without warning, but we didn't know how to contact you. We have decided to investigate Senator Palpatine. We have to be absolutely certain that he is a Sith Lord before we can arrest him. If he finds out about us knowing, he will most certainly do everything in his power to make sure there is no proof against him. He might even make it appear as if the Jedi were plotting to kill him for no reason." Obi Wan explained. "He might already sense something is wrong, which is why I came here. We believe you might be in danger. This Sith has been hiding from us for years. He is very clever, and very powerful. The council believes he might find out about you." Obi Wan finished carefully.
    I looked at him in fear. "He's coming to kill me." I said slowly. Obi Wan nodded and took my hands in his. "That is why I'm here. I'm taking you to the Jedi temple. You'll be safest there. None of the other Jedi know about this yet. Only those on the council. You will stay there secretly for awhile until we figure everything out." Obi Wan helped me up. "So if you would be so kind and pack your things. We should be leaving shortly." Obi Wan said. I nodded in understanding and left him to pack up.
     In my room I could barely pick anything up I was so nervous, scared and excited. Obi Wan must have sensed my worry. He came in and placed a comforting hand on my shoulder. "Do not worry. We won't let anything happen to you." He promised quietly. I nodded and hugged him. He wasn't expecting it, but hugged me back.
    "Come now. We must hurry." Obi Wan said helping me pack up clothes.
    "Come Artoo, we're staying with the Jedi for awhile." I told him as I finished packing.
    I followed Obi Wan to his transport. What about my home, and job?" I asked Obi Wan. "If I don't show up-" "We've already taken care of that. We've also already found someone to watch over your apartment." Obi Wan told me. 
    When we got to the Jedi temple, I was met by Yoda and Mace Windu. The two Jedi masters looked at me seriously. "We have decided to start an investigation on the Senator Palpatine. We fear if he finds out, he will trace you, and kill you." Said Mace.

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