Chapter 77.

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The next morning I stopped by Padme's apartment to congratulate her again on becoming Chancellor.

She was busy talking with some people so I waited by the window. My thoughts strayed to the night before and I smiled.

"Did you and a certain someone have your own little celebration together last night?" Padme came over and grinned at me cheekily.

"Is it that obvious?" I said pressing my hands to my cheeks, trying to hide my blush.

Padme laughed and winked.

"How do you feel, Chancellor Amidala?" I asked changing the subject.

"Overwhelmed, nervous but excited. They're moving me to the Chancellor's apartments now so now it will be even harder to get to me." She laughed sadly.

"You might be more busy, but we'll still find time to hang out." I said.

"Of course, but probably not for awhile. My list of duties is a mile long. Things are going to be crazy for a long time. I'm ready to start actually making a difference in the Republic." Padme said firmly.

"I'm so proud of you. I know things will be much better. The Republic couldn't ask for a better leader." I said.

"I only hope I live up to your expectations."

"You'll exceed everyone's expectations. I know it." I said and smiled at her.

"I wish I had as much faith in myself as you do in me, but I appreciate it. Things are going to be so different now." she said quietly.

"Good different." I said and she nodded.

"Yes. Good different."

I was annoyed that Anakin already had to leave again after just getting back, but what can you do?

The Jedi was trying to end this war as quick as they could, which I admired. Their main focuses were Count Dooku, General Grievous and Asajj Ventress.

Padme immediately started trying to negotiate with the seperatists to try and find a peaceful solution to the war.

I spent my days feeling more lonely than ever. I had Mandro and Lentira to keep me company a lot, but I missed Anakin. I also missed spending time with Padme.

I still hung around the Jedi Temple a lot, but I felt pretty useless there. I wasn't contributing to anything.

It was a whole month before Anakin returned because of his back-to-back missions. When he returned, he seemed different somehow.

"How was your mission?" I asked him the night he returned.

"Honestly? Strange. It's hard for me to even comprehend." Anakin said shaking his head while sitting on the sofa.

"What happened?" I asked curiously.

"The Jedi received some old distress signal way out in the outer rim. When we went to investigate, we were supposed to rendezvous with a Republic Starcruiser, but when we arrived at the location of the distress signal, the cruiser wasn't there, even though they claimed to be. It was weird. We lost signal and this strange planet thing showed up in front of us and pulled us in-" Anakin started to explain and my eyes widened.

"Wait, I know this!" I said quickly. I remembered something in the Clone Wars. These were some of my favorite episodes. When Anakin, Obi Wan and Ahsoka meet the Father, Son and Daughter. Where it's revealed that Anakin is truly the chosen one.

"What do you mean, you know this?" Anakin said confused.

"I remember this episode, er, this part of the story. You guys go to the planet with the Father and son and daughter of the force thing, right?" I said suddenly and he looked at me wide-eyed.

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