Chapter 78.

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When we touched down in Mos Eisley I looked around for the Lars'. Shmi told me that they'd be there waiting for me.

When I saw saw them I squealed excitedly and ran towards them. I wrapped Shmi into a big hug and she held me for a long time. I needed it. I didn't realize how much I needed it. It was like coming home to my mother.

"Ivy, what's wrong?" Shmi asked as she pulled away. Her hands held my face.

I realized I was crying and wiped away the tears. "I've missed you so much." I whispered.

"It's alright darling. Come, let's go home." Shmi said and led me to the speeder. I saw Owen and gave him a big hug.

"Owen, you're so big now!" I laughed wiping my eyes.

"Yeah, well I'm twenty three now, so I suppose I'm pretty much fully grown now." he smiled.

"Ivy, we have a new addition to our family. Do you want to tell her Owen?" Shmi smiled at her stepson.

"Oh, I'm married now. I have a wife named Beru." Owen smiled proudly.

"Owen, that's wonderful! I'm sure she's perfect." I said as we got into the speeder and drove to the Lars' homestead.

I had forgotten how flat and bright everything was on Tatooine. I was so used to the giant city. It was nice to feel the warmth of Tatooine.

We arrived at the house just before dark. I greeted Cliegg who was still as grumpy as ever, and I met the beautiful wife of Owen.

"It's so nice to meet you Beru." I said when I saw her.

"Beru, this is my other daughter in law. Ani's wife, Ivy." Shmi introduced me. I felt strange. I had never been introduced as Anakin's wife, hearing it made me happy for a moment, but then remember the strange way he was acting last time I saw him.

"It's lovely to meet you. I've heard a lot about you." Beru smiled at me.

Being on Tatooine brought a type of peace I didn't realize I was craving. I spent my days getting to know my family again. I hadn't been there in almost ten years. I didn't realize how long it had been.

I found myself thinking about what life might be like for me and Anakin after the war. Maybe we could come here? We could live a nice peaceful life with our family.

I tried not to think too much about Anakin but it was hard when everything reminded me of him, and he was all Shmi wanted to talk about.

"Is he grown much?" Shmi asked and I laughed.

"He's about the same age as Owen, so yes? His hair is long now and curly. He has a scar that runs over his right eye, but I think that almost makes him more handsome." I said with a smile.

"I wish I could see him." Shmi daughter sadly as she dried some dishes after dinner.

"I know. I could show you a hologram picture of him. I know it's not the same." I said glumly but pulled out a small holoprojector from my pocket.

I found an image of Anakin and showed it to her. Shmi gasped and held the small projector. "Oh he's so handsome now. What does that say on the bottom there? The hero with no fear?" Shmi asked confused.

"That's what he's known as nowadays. Your son is quite the celebrity. He bravely faces danger and has won countless battles. He and Obi Wan Kenobi are very well known throughout the galaxy." I said.

"Obi Wan?"

"His former master. Qui Gon's Padawan. They work together a lot." I said.

"I see. I'm so proud of him. I knew he was meant for great things." Shmi said and handed me back the projector.

I looked at Anakin's picture for a moment before shutting it off. I wondered how his mission was going. Did they find Grievous? Was Anakin okay? I hoped he'd be back by the time I went back home.

My time on Tatooine flew by way too fast and I didn't want to go back home. I promised Shmi I would be back soon. I wasn't going to wait ten years again.

I got on the transport and headed back home to Coruscant. It was hard to believe it had already been three weeks.

When I got to my apartment I was surprised to find a message from Padme on my holoprojector from a week prior asking me to contact her immediately.

I quickly tried to contact her wondering what in the world was wrong. She picked up and looked at me with a bewildered expression.

"Ivy! Where have you been?" She asked.

"I sent you a message, I was on Tatooine. What's wrong? Is Anakin-"

"Anakin's fine. It's his Padawan." Padme said.

"Ahsoka? What happened?" I asked worriedly.

"She's being detained for a murder. She blew up the Jedi Temple. It's a whole ordeal!" Padme said.

"What?! No! There's been a mistake. Ahsoka is innocent!" I said quickly.

"Ivy, there's not much I can do. They're going to have a trial for her tomorrow." Padme said.

"Where's Anakin? Is he on Coruscant?" I asked quickly.

"Yes, he came in the other day to beg me to let her go. I couldn't do anything. Ivy I'm so sorry. All of the evidence points to her. I would have left this up to the Jedi, but my Vice Chair made it a Republic thing because some clones were killed in the process." Padme said sadly.

"No! No! I remember this. It's a set up! Remember when we were captured and Paula made it look like it was president Hantyr? The same thing is happening to Ahsoka! She's innocent! It's Barriss Offee! I bet my life on it." I stuttered.

"Ivy, I can't do anything without proof. Find proof and we can stop this!" Padme said.

"I will. Please delay the trial for as long as you can!" I begged.

"I will do what I can. Hurry!" Padme said.

I immediately got on my speeder and headed towards the Temple.

I didn't even wait to turn my speeder off before I jumped out and headed inside. I saw Anakin arguing with Obi Wan. He looked terrible. His eyes were dark and his hair greasy. He looked like he hadn't slept in days.

"Anakin!" I called out to him and we ran to each other. He grabbed my arms.

"Ivy, they have Ahsoka. They expelled her and she's going to go on trial. She's innocent. I don't know what happened. She's innocent!" Anakin's words flew out of his mouth a million miles an hour.

"Anakin! Anakin I know! I know she's innocent! We have to prove it though. I know who did it." I said and grabbed onto him.

"Who did it?" he asked surprised.

"Barriss. This happened in the show. I'm so sorry Anakin. I should have been here. I'm so sorry." I said.

"Barriss Offee? Ahsoka's friend?" Anakin asked angrily and I nodded.

There was an instant anger in his eyes and he immediately dashed towards the Jedi chambers. I tried to keep up with him but he ran far too fast for me.

I instead ran to Obi Wan. "Please tell me you did not expell her." I said breathlessly.

"I'm sorry. It wasn't my choice. I voted against it. I'm afraid all of the evidence points to her." Obi Wan said.

"The evidence is wrong! Oh God. I should have been here. I should have-" I began to feel very faint and everything started to get dark and blurry.

"Ivy? Ivy!" I felt Obi Wan's arms catch me as I fell to the ground.

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