Chapter 84.

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There were a few gasps and the Jedi looked at each other in wonder.

I felt my face redden. I thought Anakin had said that we were going to wait to tell them.

"So you're choosing to live against the Code?" Mace Windu said, his voice softer than I expected.

Anakin nodded firmly and looked him in the eye. "I appreciate all that the Jedi has done for me. I hope I have made you all proud through the years. I did my duty to the best of my ability. The Jedi will always remain a part of me, but I understand the rules. I know I can not have the relationship I want and be in the Jedi Order, so I must leave the Jedi."

I watched Anakin in admiration. He was calm and polite, but stuck to what was in his heart.

I saw Obi Wan look at Anakin with respect, but sadness. He didn't want to lose his friend.

"So that's it. You're just going to walk away from the Jedi?" Mace said.

"I have no choice. I refuse to live without her." Anakin looked over at me and I froze.

I wanted to disappear as all eyes of the Jedi Council turned to look at me. I had betrayed them. They hated me. I knew it!

"Ivy?" Yoda looked at me confused.

I wanted to be as strong as Anakin was being, but I didn't think I could. I was not prepared for confrontation.

"Yes, Ivy. I have loved her for years, ever since I met her on Tatooine. Every day my love for her grows deeper, and I've decided that I don't want to give her up."Anakin said and looked at me with such strong love in his eyes.

"And Ivy feels the same way about you?" Aayla Secura asked looking at me.

I nodded. "I do." I said quietly.

"I see. Well, this is quite the predicament. Both of you have proven yourselves invaluable to the Jedi and Republic, however both of you have knowingly gone against the Code which we have for a reason." Mace Windu said shaking his head. "If we allow this, then we'd have to allow it for everyone, and like I said, there's a reason we have this rule. Jedi have fallen to the dark side because of their attachments."

"Turned to the dark side by many other things, the Jedi have as well." Yoda pondered and Mace looked at him in surprise.

"What are your thoughts Master Yoda?" he asked.

"Over, the war will be soon. Peace, we will finally have. Punish those that have helped us, will we?" Yoda looked at the other council members.

"They broke the Code." Mace said.

"Tempted by the dark side, we all have been. Fought those temptations, Skywalker has. Strong with the Force, he is." Yoda said thoughtfully.

"What is it that you're saying?" Mace Windu asked in frustration.

"Time to look back at our Code, it is. Perhaps a change is needed." Yoda said.

"You wish to change the code?" Ki Adi Mundi asked and the council looked at Yoda in surprise.

"Over, the war is. Changed, things have. Time for a change in the Jedi, I think." Yoda said.

I had no idea what he was planning, but the way he said it gave me hope.

The council needed to speak amongst themselves again and Anakin and I were once again sitting outside. This time though, Anakin held my hand.

"I'm sorry. I know I said we'd wait, but I couldn't accept, and I had to give a reason. I figured now would probably be the best time." Anakin said.

"What do you think they're gonna do?" I asked and he shrugged.

"I have no idea. If they change the Code so that I'm allowed to be with you, great, but if they don't I'm not staying. I am selfish. I won't deny that. I want you in my life." Anakin squeezed my hand.

"I want that too. I guess we'll see what they say, but regardless we'll be together." I said and he smiled and nodded at me.

"I can't wait to start our family together. I can't even focus on the Jedi right now. I don't even care. All I feel is happiness, knowing that I'm going to be with you for the rest of my life, and we're going to have our own little family. We're going to have a son or daughter and they will mean the world to me." Anakin said quietly.

After hours of deliberating, the Jedi came to a decision.

"So, we have agreed on a new code.
Jedi are the guardians of peace in the galaxy.

Jedi use their powers to defend and to protect.

Jedi respect all life, in any form.

A Jedi's duty to to serve others

Jedi seek to improve themselves through knowledge and training.

Jedi will practice peace, knowledge, serenity, harmony and the Force and not give in to fear, or anger.
If you wish to remain a Jedi, you must make a vow to follow these rules." Mace Windu told Anakin.

"There's nothing in there that says I can't be married or have a wife?" Anakin asked and Mace glared at him.


"Very well then. I vow to follow the Jedi Code." Anakin said seriously.

I saw Obi Wan hiding a smirk as the council looked around at each other.

"Very well. I suppose you're still a Jedi, and the offer still stands for you to join our council and become a master." Mace Windu said quietly.

"I humbly accept your offer." Anakin bowed and Mace gestured to the open seat next to Obi Wan.

"Welcome to the council, Master Skywalker." Yoda bowed his head to Anakin.

"Well, now that this is settled, it's time to contact the Chancellor and tell her about the war." Mace Windu said and the others agreed.

I think they forgot I was there until the turned and saw me by the door. Mace Windu's eyes softened.

"If you would like, the Jedi would still appreciate your help and want you to continue working for the Order." he said softly.

"I will help in any way I can." I said quietly. I glanced at Obi Wan and Anakin who were smiling at me.

I couldn't believe it had worked out like this. I never imagined that we would be able to stay with the Jedi and have a relationship. I had never felt so happy in my life.

The Jedi went over to the Senate building and I went along with them. I felt awkward and timid, still thinking that they were disappointed in me.

We were admitted to see the Chancellor and Padme came to us looking concerned. "Is everything alright, Master Jedi?" she asked.

"Ventress and Dooku are dead. It's time for you to put your negotiating skills to use with the Separatists who will most likely be in chaos without their leaders." Mace Windu said.

"They're dead? What happened?" Padme asked in shock.

"They attacked some Jedi and the Jedi had to act in defense. Sometimes accidents happen and it's a kill or be killed situation." Mace Windu lied. "They were also Sith."

"Oh my, I guess I'll get everything set up right away. This is huge. The war could very well be over." Padme said in disbelief.

"That's what we're hoping." Anakin said and Padme looked at him in surprised and then looked at me.

"Yes. Let's hope." she smiled.

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