Chapter 5.

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"So do you believe me?" I asked. Qui Gon looked at me with a strange look on his face. "Well I certainly believe that you know a lot. And I can tell you're not lying which is making me feel very uneasy." "Master I'm scared that what happens in the story might actually happen here, but I don't want to change too much because that might make it even worse because ill have no idea what the future will hold." I looked at him sadly. "I don't know what to do." I sighed and covered my face with my hands. Qui Gon gently put a hand on my shoulder. "I can see you are troubled by this. I suggest that you come to Coruscant and tell the Jedi council all that you know. They'll be able to help you." I looked up at him. "Are you sure that's the right thing to do though? It could change so much and it might make everything worse!" "That is my suggestion but it is your choice." "You're not going to force me to go there and tell them?" I asked confused. Surely he wouldn't just let me go since I know all of this information. "I think the Jedi may be able to help. You said yourself that the Jedi were in danger. Don't you think we might like to know what could happen to us?" Qui Gon said. "But what if they don't believe me? What if they think I'm crazy?" "I don't think you're crazy." "You're not like most Jedi though. You're a lot more understanding. " I told him. He chuckled and gave me a small smile. "I won't make you come to Coruscant even though I think it would be wise, but I want you to think about it." I smiled. "Thank you Master Qui Gon." "Now you should get some sleep. We have a big day tomorrow." Qui Gon said leading me back inside the house. I smiled and walked away to my sleeping place. I turned around. "Master Qui Gon?" "Yes child?" "Can you tell Obi Wan all that I have told you? I want him to know." "I can do that." "Thank you." He gave me a nod and I went off to bed.

A/N Sorry that I took so long to update and sorry if this chapter is short. Thank you for your patience!

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