Chapter 12.

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    I got somewhat ready for the party. I didn't have much, and I hadn't really been to a party before. At least not one like this. I had been to birthday parties on earth and that's about it. I was nervous, but not everyone is bad. Lentira could just be a very friendly person. Besides, I had Artoo with me. I trusted that little droid with my life.
      I took a deep breath. I wished Shmi was with me. I missed her. I thought about my real family on earth. I really missed them. It had been over three years since I had seen them. I still dreamt about them sometimes. I always woke up crying when I realised it was just a dream and that I'd probably never see them again. I started crying just thinking about that, but I wiped away my tears.
    I waited until it sounded like there was a lot of people there before I decided to go. I exited my room and locked the door. I hoped I wouldn't be noticed. I boldly rang the doorbell.
    The door opened to reveal a crowded room with bright neon lights shining around the room. Different alien races crowded around, talking to eachother and dancing to the loud music.
     "Ivy, you came!" Lentira exclaimed coming towards me. I forced a smile on my face. "Hi." "Don't be nervous. Here, follow me. I'll introduce you to everyone!" She said leading me around. I tried to protest but she didn't listen.
    She took me from person to person. She then led me to two girls. One was human with bright red hair with vibrant makeup and clothes. The other was Rhodian with blonde hair.
     "These are my best friends Relina and Jaakla. This is Ivy. She's new around here." Lentira introduced us. We smiled and said hi.
     Soon they were talking about their lives and other things I had no idea what they were talking about. Suddenly the conversation switched to me. "So where do you work?" Asked Relina the human. "Actually I am currently looking for a job. I don't have one yet." I say. "Well maybe we can help you find one." Offered the Rhodian Jaakla. "What is your profession?" "Well I haven't worked all that much. I worked at a moisture farm on Tatooine for awhile, and before that I babysat, so I'm not too good at anything here." I admitted. The girls all squealed excitedly. "We work at a daycare center! We can put in a good word for you if you want? It's a daycare for the upper class who don't trust droids. It also pays fairly well." Lentira told me. "Well that's very kind of you." I said. "Think noting of it." She said. "We're sure you'll have no trouble getting hired if all three of us recommend you. We're very trusted employees." Said Relina. "Well thank you. I'd very much appreciate that. I grew up in a large family so I had a lot of experience with children. I admit though, they've only been human children." I said. "That's alright. We'll teach you everything you don't know." Jaakla said encouragingly. "Wow, thank you. This is really nice of you guys." I said. The girls all gave me smiles.
    After some more talking, the girls wandered off to talk to other people. I went over to the food and quietly started eating while watching the party.
     I wasn't paying attention and didn't realise when someone came up behind me. "Hey there." Said a deep voice. I spun around and saw a Chagrian male. I forced a fake smile. "Hi." I muttered. "I've never seen you here before." He said moving closer. "That's probably because I've never been here before." I said turning away. I was not interested in getting into any relationships or anything right now. "Well I could show you around Coruscant. I know some places that are pretty nice." The Chagrian again tried to step closer.   
   Artoo beeped in warning. I was so glad he was here. "No thank you. I'm sorry but I'm really not interested at all." I insist. The guy put his hand on my shoulder but quickly jumped back when Artoo zapped him. The shocked Chagrian watched as Artoo and I walked away.
     I found Lentira and thanked her for inviting me. I said goodbye and left as quickly as possible. When I got into the hallway I looked around before unlocking my apartment.
    Once inside I plopped down on the couch and yawned. I patted Artoo's head. "Thanks for being here for me buddy. I'm definitely not ready for boys yet, besides he was definitely not my type." I laughed. Artoo beeped in agreement.
     I got into my new bed. I was too nervous to fall asleep yet. I felt the Japor Snippet necklace resting on my neck and thought of Anakin. Was he happy learning to become a Jedi? How would everything affect him if the Jedi exposed and killed Palpatine? Would he still be the chosen one? Would there still be a way that he might turn into Darth Vader? I shuddered.
     I thought about Obi Wan. Did he regret having to train Anakin? How did he feel when I revealed the truth? I trusted Obi Wan more than I trusted anyone else. I know a bit more about his character than I do the other Jedi. He hadn't grown his beard yet, but was starting to grow out his hair. It was strange to see him like that.
    I closed my eyes and soon drifted off to sleep.

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