Chapter 69.

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Padme paced around her private room at the Senate building, practicing her speech. We had been able to convince Chancellor Sargull to let her speak to the Senate about the systems leaving the Republic.

When she was finished she took a deep breath and sat down on the couch next to me.

"Hey, your speech is perfect. They can't just ignore you now. This could be it, the chance we've been waiting for." I told her.

"I'm just worried. This council is far too stubborn for my liking. If this can't sway them, I don't know what will. I feel like this may be our last hope and it scares me." Padme admitted rubbing her face in her hands exhausted.

Neither of us had gotten much sleep the night before. Both of us were extremely stressed.

"Well, if anyone can help fix this corrupt Republic, it's you. The best we can do is try. Now, you're going to go out there and give this speech, and they will be forced to look into this problem and do something about it. You've got this." I said and she smiled and hugged me.

"I'm so glad you're here with me, Ivy. I couldn't do this without your help." she said and I smiled at her.

I tried not to think about what Anakin and Ahsoka had said about her. I hoped she didn't actually like me. I would hate to hurt her. She was wonderful and I might see myself even liking her back if I wasn't so in love with my husband- who was supposed to be her husband...

"I'm here whenever you need me. I'll be right by your side when you give that speech and we can celebrate together afterwards when the Republic decides to do something about this." I said and she stood up.

"It's about time. Are you ready?" she said looking at me nervously.

Padme rarely showed her true emotions on anything, especially politics. She had learned to conceal her feelings from a young age as Queen of Naboo. It was strange to see the nervous look on her face.

"Are you ready?" I asked her seriously.

She nodded and stood up straight, her face relaxing and morphing into the expressionless mask that she wore most times.

"Let's go." she said and I followed her out of the room and into her repulsorpod in the Senate Chamber.

We sat down and listened to multiple senators discuss the war. Nothing we hadn't heard before. They wanted more soldiers, more battle weapons, more fighting. It angered me after awhile and I was nervous. Why were there only a select few that actually wanted to figure this out peacefully? It was hard to hope that they would listen to what Padme said, when all they wanted was to fight.

Finally Chancellor Sargull announced that Senator Amidala had something she wanted to say. I only wished he hadn't sounded so annoyed. I guess even though I saved his daughter, he didn't have much respect for what I believed in.

Padme looked at me hopefully and I gave her a nod before she pressed the button which made our pod float out to the near middle of the Senate Chamber.

I knew that I wasn't doing any of the talking, but I still felt like I was out in the spotlight with thousands of life forms looking at me. I couldn't believe how strong Padme must be to speak her mind in front of all of these people. Especially since her opinion was on the low end of majority. She was definitely inspiring.

She looked every bit of the strong female she was. She wore fierce looking makeup that accentuated how fiercely she believed in this. Her clothes were black and purple. Her sleeves at the shoulders had sharp edges and her skirt was long with overlapping layers. As a kid I had always loved her outfits, and I still did.

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